Charles, Chuck, Sonny( let us know which you prefer.
Being kept ignorant of your DAD's side of the family is a great loss to you but, you know, everything you find out now will be like doors in all directions opening up . And guess what; on your very first try at jumping into a board site, you hit the jackpot. You are going to find that the people you meet are 100%. Not a phony in a carload.
What I want to say is that on your first try you have picked the site/forum with a big heart. As you get in deeper you will find a ton of friends that will lift you up and carry you from one day to the next.
Finally; Believe Marion when she promices to find the info you need, she means it.
The wizzard will NOT let you down. Believe me.
Again, Welcome; You are among friends.
P.S. May I add one thing that should cheer you up. DON"T WORRY about making "MISTEAKS" on this forum. Papa Art & I are specialists at it. Between the two of us we manage to keep Marion frazzled most of the time, and she hasn't kicked us out yet?? Welcome aboard "Charley". There; That oughta get u going.