Hi Joe! Just read your post. That is a tall order you are asking for. I will say
the 34th was qualified for the job it was called to do. We landed at Salerno,
Italy Sept. '43 but the 36th went in before us and were backed up by the
151st Field Artillery Battery The 151st. was the battery attached to the 135th
(our regt).
Anyway the 36th went in and established a beachhead but the Germans
countered and drove them back but the 151st was in position so when the
Germans got close they (the 151st) lowered their howitsers and BORE SIGHTED, and
knocked out the German tanks and stopped them. That,s history.
when we came ashore, 135th and 168th pushed thru the 45th and headed for
Benevento then came our first river crossing, (Calore River). Then came
the town of Montemarano. The Germans said Howdy in German and greeted
us with armored infantry, artillery and self propelled 88's . Then came---
Chiusano,Benevento, another river crossing, (Volturno River)then on
Oct. we reached another town, (Alvignano) This is where we found out that
we were up against the 3rd Panzer Grenadier Division which included the
dreaded 1V tank wich mounted an 88mm canon, Joe do remember them?
I could go on and on but I just am not up to all this writing. The best I can
say is go to the library or get the book "DOGFACES WHO SMILED THROUGH
As far as battle stars, Man to numerous to mention but the battles
were made into campaigns and as a result I got five of them. The town of
Cassino and Monte Cassino, Anzio,Bologna, and I haven't even even
mentioned all the mountain fighting. The 10th Mountain was on our right
flank. And I salute Senator Bob Dole of the 10th. Mtn. Divn. They all wore
white parkas and helmets, I tried to get a parka but no luck. Another
thing. On Christmas Eve, of '43, we relieved the 36th Divn. at ST.Pietro
So damn many mountains and cold,cold,cold. Two pair of woolens on and a
blanket. For water we melted snow Mule trains were slow in getting to us.
Enough for now, Joe did I bend your ear a Little? Talk to later buddy.Roque