Engineer School Crest

:banghead:In my day, I retired in 62, The Engineer Center had two regiments. The School Regiment & the Mech & Tech regiment. The School regiment was made up of the instructors, students, & other personnel that had to do with teaching the people assigned there for instructional purposes. AS much, much of the teaching had to do with heavy equipment it took what amounted to a regiment size group to provide & maintain all that equipment. Each regiment had it's own Colonel to command it. The Center was & is commanded by a Major General. He is not The Chief Of Engineers. The Engineer Center is now located at Ft. Leonard Wood. The Chief Of Engineers A Lt. Gen is(was) located at Graverly Point, Washington D.C. I sent Marion a crest that represents The Corps of Engineers. Perhaps she can scan it. I was an OCS graduate, 8th class 42. The questions they asked me only touched engineering topics. It helped if one had a background of engineering. I will try to find my Mech & Tech crest & scan it as soon as possible. I think there were other questions & comments but the slip my mind now. I will answer them soon. AL

Messages In This Thread
Engineer School Crest - by Walt's Daughter - 05-12-2006, 09:30 AM
Engineer School Crest - by parker - 05-12-2006, 10:47 AM
Engineer School Crest - by Walt's Daughter - 05-12-2006, 11:03 AM
Engineer School Crest - by Custermen - 05-12-2006, 12:57 PM
Engineer School Crest - by parker - 05-12-2006, 03:48 PM
Engineer School Crest - by alkincer - 05-12-2006, 07:56 PM
Engineer School Crest - by Walt's Daughter - 05-12-2006, 08:55 PM
Engineer School Crest - by Walt's Daughter - 05-12-2006, 08:55 PM
Engineer School Crest - by Walt's Daughter - 05-12-2006, 08:56 PM
Engineer School Crest - by alkincer - 05-15-2006, 11:11 AM
Engineer School Crest - by parker - 05-15-2006, 01:49 PM

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