Your daughter is very cute and pretty
Thank you for your kind words
That will stay with her forever
I was shooting a photo of one grave when she asked me how old were they I answered some of them were younger then 20, she made big eyes and remain quiet for awhile then said to me I'm sure they won't be dead and lying here I believe they want be alive, she was realy affected and so I was.
I'm happy that you liked the photos I'll make an dvd with the movie and the photos and send you a copy of it.
By speeking of dvd's how did you liked the dvd about the Luxembourg resistence members and the enroled by force?
I can remember when I saw it at the cinema that I was real concerned about it, what the poeple endured during the occupation for nearly 5 years you couldn't say what you want, do what you want or trust someone.