Thanks Steve. Yes we were there first.
I try to dig down to get to the truth. Sometimes it is hard to seperate the bragging rights from the Historical facts.
This is more evident in the Claim of the first unit to enter Rome. In this case there was no international politics. It was a quarrel between various US units. The 1st Special Service Forces, the 36th Division, the Recon unit of the 1st Armored Divisoin and the 88th Infantry Division all claim to the THE FIRST.
What makes it more difficult about Rome is that the city was bigger and had more avenues of approach. Of course there were probably some small armored units acting in independant actions or in support of the infantry. And there was some probing actions that pulled back.
My bet on that one is the 88th Infantry Division was the first into Rome. The 85th Infantry Division was right behind them and they marched past the Coliseum and on through the city.