Marion: I dont believe either myself or my family used V mail for writing. First, one could only fit about 15 or so lines in a small letter. I really cant recall just where we
got the paper and envelopes to write with but at least one could send a decent letter when possible. All mail I recieved overseas was in 1st class mail from home also..
All we had to use as a postage stamp was to write FREE. As far as ships or planes going homeward, most should have been pretty empty except casualties. Far as ships
going overseas, just maybe a few less STAFF CARS and special goodies for the ranking
officers and the likes would allow more mail for us. Mail was the MOST morale factor in
the war believe it or not. (at least for front line troop). Believe it or not, more important than USO shows of which I saw none. Sorry for this tirade.