Oh, you may just get me to bite on that offer at the Flea Market. Actually I've been itching to get a GI uniform in a SMALL size. Well after all it's for yours truly!
Hey I don't know if you got to see a post from a couple of weeks ago, but I ran into some WWII vets at a parking lot hotdog stand. The jeep and the vets caught my eye. Had a carful of groceries but didn't care. The jeep had a combat engineers lettering on it. I stopped by car, jumped out and said, "Who's giving me a ride in the the jeep?". That's how the friendship blossomed.
One of the guys was a combat engineer and had picked this thing up for dirt cheap. Put about 13,000 thou into her and man is she beautiful. He did a great job restoring it. He still owes me a ride in the jeep.
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"