Looking for the 631st Engineers

Dear Marion......First of all......Happy Holidays.

I am writing because my older sister is making a scrapbook for our Dad who was a Tech 4 in the 631st Engineers Light Company and we saw the letters from Gene Fiducia on your website. We would very much like to contact him to see if he may remember our Dad...Roland (Buster) Schulte. Pop also worked on the Hodges Bridge....and was in the 1st Equipment Platoon...he worked a road grader. If anyone remembers him and/or has pictures of him or with him we would love to hear from them. Pop is now 87 years old and often talks about the Hodges Bridge project and has been wondering if anyone else in his unit is still alive.


Here is a picture of him in uniform......and one of him in a field somewhere.




and here is Daddy as he looks now.....




Still very handsome, I think...but then I am his very proud youngest daughter........


If you could post this entire letter with pictures and forward it to Mr. Fiducia and/or refer anyone in his company to us...please contact me, Barb Grofe. My sister, Bonnie and I are very much looking forward to hearing from any of the other men in the platoon that may have known Dad and can tell us more about things so it can be included in the scrapbook for Daddy.

Thank you SO very much for your time, hard work and consideration. Your website is awesome. May God Bless you, your Family and all the wonderful Military personnel who served and are now serving to preserve Freedom.


Barbara (Schulte) Grofe, and Bonnie (Schulte) Heggemann...proud daughters of Roland D. Schulte. We all live in St. Louis, Missouri.



Marion's note: If you have any information regarding the 631st, please contact Barbara at BGrofe@aol.com

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Messages In This Thread
Looking for the 631st Engineers - by Walt's Daughter - 12-26-2004, 11:07 AM

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