Chucktoooo,He was hitting the Pepsi bottle again!!
He told me he saw Santa riding a motor-cycle!!!Witch one
I tell yah Art. it was the darned thing I ever saw. I was on my way to pick you up for the 101st meeting when I saw this motorcyclist coming up on my right. I had to do a double take. Here was Santa Claus in all his splender. as he passed me he gave me a hearty HO HO and continued on. You shoulda been there. Every driver coming from the opposit direction blew their horns as they passed. Ole Santa must have been a good biker, because he steered it with only his right arm as he kept his left one up and waving for a good two miles. He sure put the spirit of Christmas in a good many people that day. I have to say; That was one of the warmest moments I've experienced in a long, long while.
Yes Virginia, There is a Santa Claus.