Fly the flag on 9-11

Hi Marion,


My first post since finding your terrific site. I have spent hours and hours just browzing through it. While looking at the photo album of the 540 engineers contributed by JOEL HINKOFF. I found a photo of an old schoolmate. I grew up with and attended elementary school with Sgt C. Carter. I was with the 389th Port Battalion I met him when the 540th was camped just outside of Naples, also at the Anzio Beachhead. What a small world.


I will close now, but you have not heard the last from me. I have a lot of the 389th history to contribute for your history book. I just have to learn more on how to do it.


Thanks again for your wonderful pages.


Hi Charles:


Enjoyed our first few emails, and am very happy to see that you successfully posted to our site. Thanks for joining and your most kind words.


Today is a very emotional day for me, as it is for many Americans, this 9-11. :(:( I am in the middle of watching the memorial services on TV this morning, so am not quite myself. You can catch my full story here on the site if you wish.


It's great that you remember the 540th and I can't wait to hear more about your encounters and of course the history of your unit.


Am going to close for now, as I'm a bit shaky right now, but wanted to welcome you and say how happy I am to make your acquaintance. :pdt20:

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Hello Marion! It's 7:45pm, We were back from our reunion this afternoon. And

yes indeedy, I officiated the reunion. At the start of the meeting I was sworn in as acting president to make it legal. And I thought , if Marion could see me now,

all my feelings of being queezy were gone. Anyway it was a wonderful 3 days and to top it off I met with a buddy that we hadn't seen each other since Sept. of '45 in Italy. And now I am a bonifide President for 2006-2007. NEXT THING, You know the book, Dogfaces who smiled----,The auther,Homer Ankrum, His daughter,

Ellen Ankrum was present so I had a long talk with her and told her in lengh about

the So she assured me tat as soon as she gets

home she is going to e-mail you. I passed out yoour business cards so hopefuly you might hear from some other RED BULLS. Elizabeth is still sick and I will take her to the Doc. Monday. Glad to be back home. Rocky



My license plate has the Bronze Star and it reads 34th DIVN.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




So happy to hear from you and I knew you would do a bang up job. I am so proud of you. I will write more later and also tell you about the wonderful experience I had with the 48th Engineers this weekend. Sorry, just not in the mood to write much this A.M...

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Mare; I shouldn't have erased my original post. Ithought that by doing so, it would put an end to the issue, but not so.


You are right when you say that people show their patriotism in different ways. I wear it on my sleave, so to speak. Probably because I spent most of my service time in schools, while others were out there paying for my tuition.


So, come Monday, I will hoist "OLD GLORY". Quietly, of course.


Hoping we're all still friends


Yes, we are still friends my dear. I don't throw people away that easily. :lol:


I just want to make sure that people know the effect of their words, and get them to think about how what they say can affect others, both in a good and bad way.


Sorry I haven't been able to help you with your email set-up yet. Haven't forgotten about you, but just have been so busy. This weekend am setting up my new computer, so am installing my software and transferring my files from my old one to my new one, etc.

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

:D Hello Mr. McGarvey and welcome aboard!




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