Narrative of Events

Hello All,


Happy new year 2007 !


I research narrative of events of the 141st Infantry regiment / 36th for the period of october 1944 and the narrative of events of the 7th Infantry regiment / 3Rd for the same period.


Thanks a lot for your help,


Gerome :D


Gerome: A good firsthand hisory of the 7th inf Reg/3rd Inf Div can be found in Sherm

Pratts book "Autobahn to Berchtesgaden". He was battlefield commissioned and became C.O. L Co. 3rd Bn. . It is a extra large softback book of over 650 pages.

He sent me one many years ago with a nice note on the inside cover . We both were

in the same bn. but different companies. You can E mail him at

He may have some copies available yet. Well written and with maps and pics. I know he is alive and kicking as we corrospond regularly. As far as the 36 Div I cant help

you but they were kind of a "brother Division" to us much of the time.


I research narrative of events of the 141st Infantry regiment / 36th for the period of october 1944

"T-Patch to Victory" by Col. Vincent M. Lockhart is a brief history of the 36th Division in France. It is not a great history book but it might provide a starting place.


BTW-- "The Texas Army" by Wagner is a history of the 36th Division while they were in Italy.






Thanks a lot for your precious help, you are very pleasants.


Merci et à bientot,


Gerome -o-




I forgot to mention the Texas Military History site.


And their forum.




Please remember to check out our main site. I think many people forget that our main site exists. I have hundreds of links regarding WWII there. Many related to 6th Corps of course which included the 36th Inf Div. You can find links for them here:


This is just one of many links pages on our site. :pdt34:

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Hello My friends,


Thanks a lot for your precious help,


A bientot,


Gerome :drinkin:


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