To honor those who perished under the nazis.
Detailing the suffering of the French village of Oradour- sur-glane .
the oradour-sur-glane experience:a nazi massacre
04-16-2007, 02:49 PM
To honor those who perished under the nazis. Detailing the suffering of the French village of Oradour- sur-glane .
04-16-2007, 04:08 PM
04-16-2007, 07:11 PM
As an additional bit of interest, the town of Oradour Sur Glane was used in the opening scene of the very first episode of The World at War.
04-17-2007, 03:21 AM
The world at war- first segement- episode 1- a new germany.
The story of the second world war through the testimony of key participants. the first segment of the classic bristich production of the history of worl war II . It's causes, events and battles , told by the the participants and film archives. The opening scene of the first episode of the world at war, detailing the suffering of the French village of Oradour -sur-glane
04-17-2007, 12:43 PM
Thank you for posting this link. I will go back and read more as time permits. Episodes like this are what made me sour on collecting any more SS items and why I decided to sell the SS items I had in my WWII collection already. The deeper I delve into the study of the war in Europe and the Holocaust, the greater my level of revulsion at the atrocities committed by the SS, Gestapo and also the Wehrmacht. Although I realise that not all soldiers in the German army took part in these things, many did participate, both willingly and under orders from their superiors. I have heard all the reasons and excuses but none make sense to me...I will never understand it.
04-17-2007, 01:55 PM
Thank you for the compliment that you believe what I say as you said in that posting about Patton - that means a lot.
With respect to the SS etc., your sentiments expressed about their actions were music to my ears and I'm sure J3rd and Rocky will agree. One of the many reasons we left another Forum was that we were being challenged time after time with regard to our feeling,even today, about the Krauts of any ilk.
There were so many "Historians" that were astonished that we still had strong feelings about what the SS et alia did. In some cases they were even apologizing for the actions and saying that it was merely the actions of men caught up in the war. That's pure unadulterated BS they were @#$^S
If there were more like you that were intelligent enough to see that if it walks like a duck,quacks like a duck and swims like a duck - then it IS a duck.
04-17-2007, 04:41 PM
Sarge- Amen to what you said. It is unfortunate that these men who are now in their 80's like you guys, can now project a "Grandfatherly" image that fools many people. I am reminded of a story on one of my DVDS , told by a Jewish KZ inmate who's task it was to dress the SS camp commandant: "Without the uniform, they were nothing! I saw him...standing there in his shorts, a mere mortal, but once the breeches, the tunic, the boots came on and he adjusted his cap..he became a Monster!" For these guys there is no forgiveness. You ask forgiveness when you have insulted a man, or stolen his chickens, not when you have murdered his entire family, regardless of how much time has elapsed. My attitude about them is based on comparing interviews between your average private in the German Army and a Hauptmann in the SS....there is still an air of arrogance, even as Octegenarians. It is really unfortunate that I didn't start to learn the truth of what happened over there until I was already out of highscool. I am always talking to younger family members..Nephews, Nieces and etc., about the war and the Holocaust, because I am worried that it is not being taught in our schools, and to sound like a broken record...WWII is the single most important event in the 20th Century!
04-17-2007, 05:03 PM
What really frosted my a** was the number of civilians and politicians in Germany that claimed they had no idea about the camps and/or the incredible brutality of the SS. Some Clerics also claimed no knowledge of this.
Ike due ot his forebears had no love for the Krauts and that is why he made the category DEFs(Disarmed Enemy Fighters) to keep the former POWS to help rebuild after the war instead of letting them just walk away.
I may be wrong on this but I think it was the Camp at Ebensee,Austria that had a beer hall across the street from the main gate but the townsfolks claimed they had no knowledge of the camp. Many of the SS Guards drank here after work.
Can you imagine(and I know this to be a truism) that some of these SS guys went home at night to their families because they had just done another day's work at the Camp??
I could get very violent even today at my age and after so many years.
04-17-2007, 05:59 PM
I recently rented a great 4-part documentary called Shoah, which had on it the beerhall/guards incident you are speaking of. It was great! The filmaker interviewed one old guy who had been an officer @Auschwitz who was quite knowledgable about the everyday operations and used terms such as "units" in referring to the number of people that they were able to gas each day. This guy didn't know that he was being recorded , and his name being shown on the screen, so he talked openly about it and at times was even jovial about it....Amazing.
04-19-2007, 12:06 PM
They come together every year somewhere in Bavaria and hold a festival, Gudrun Burwitz is their princess (for those who don't know who she is try the links below), the young reporter were able to get a interview with one of these former HERREN MENSCHEN he invited her for dinner and she caught him on hidden cam all I can say is that they are still in the same mind and they have a lot of younger people around who protect them and help them and they in turn drill younger people to be HERREN MENSCHEN |
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