Photos of our WWII Veteran Forum Members

:pdt40: :pdt40:




You were right about the "Pot". Funny thing an ASTP 2nd Lt. was walking by

and chewed me long wide and deep for not having it on. HOWEVER, our Bn.

Co. was around the corner of that tent and he told the Lt. that he was NEVER

AGAIN to speak to one of the NCOS that ran his Bn. that way if he wanted to

stay in the Bn. (he had been a Capt. when I entered the Bn. so we went back

a long, long way).


Also, the RECs had all the chow that would fatten you up and we weren't back

far enough to get any!!!




Looking at all that mud. I have to wonder just how long you were waiting for

the chance to go behind something,anything to get a relief. Man it looks like

you could have come up here and got rid of our water shortage. Also I will take

your word for it but would rather inspect your weapon myself to see if it was A-OK!!


Sgtleo - Will await your spears in return for this post(LOL) :bluejumper::bluejumper:


WHEN THE SGT. TALKS THIS PFC SHUTS THE HELL UP!!!!!!!!!! If you inspected my piece,

you would put me on KP there might have been a speck of mud on the butt, but the barrel

shined like a jewel in a goats' ass. Roque


Marion et alia:-


Here's an example of WW II Humor that might have happened!!


For you sadistic but for us a real scream.




Sgtleo - I'm the one with the paper bag(LOL) :rolleyes::rolleyes:




Marion or Anybody:-


I have some photos of the Hedgerows(Bocage) that show a good

cross-section of what a Bitch they were to penetrate and an actual

photo of a Buddy who unfortunately went to the other side of the grass.


Also have the Rhino Tank - took a smart engineer Sgt. to come up with it -

to get through without exposing lightly armored belly of the tank.


Don't be shy Yes or No - your choice I don't want to hog things!!


Sgtleo :armata_PDT_23::armata_PDT_23:

Votin to go ahead and post those pics Sgt.
The General seconds that motion! :drinkin:
Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Fred: (Sarge Leo): Come on guy put on the pics. Dieing to see them. Any first hand WW 2 pics are a must. I find it funny that you, me and Roque can "pull each others chain" and not get all riled up as we know its in jest. Other

forums it would start a war. I think it is because we each knows what each of us went through and it was the same damn thing day in day out for us. We had been trained in only one thing and we did it well or we wouldnt be here. (plus a lot of luck and Gods help).. We were dirty, ground pounding Infantry Dogfaces and damn proud of it.


SonofanMP and Everybody Else Interested



You asked - You got them.


This is a very accurate representation of the Hedgerow(Bocage in French).




Hedgerow Tank Devised to Cut through - by a GI Sgt - Awarded Medal for Idea that saved Lives.





Me on the left and one of my very close Buddies on the right. KIA.

Only way in in is opening behind us and Krauts had those Zeroed in - Deadly

OK J3rdinf I know I don't have my "Pot" on!!





Sgtleo :direct::direct:


Joe did you notice !!!!! DRY GROUND!! Some people have all the luck. Roque






Take another close look at my boots. That ain't shoe polish on them!!!


Sgtleo :heartpump::heartpump:


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