

I have been looking for information on my Dad's WWII unit for quite a while. What a relief it is to find a site dedicated to Engineers! Dad was in the 453rd Engineer Depot Company in Yokohama and I am trying to find any information I can get on his unit and anyone he may have served with. Any information will be much appreciated. Thanks for your help and for putting together this wonderful site!


Ricky Day

Lake Jackson, Texas


Hi Ricky:


I see you were able to post on the site.


Glad you found our site too. We revel in engineers here. :armata_PDT_37: They rule!


Have you tried looking at our Research section yet? It gives some good links and connections for engineer info, including the Office History for the Army Corps of Engineers.


In the interim, we'll see what we can come up with.

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Thanks "M"! Appreciate the help!






Just checkin' in. Have you found out any more info regarding this? If so, please share with the rest of us. Thanks and good hunting.




453rd Engrs © Bn


Mr. Benjamin Kirk

3249 Clanton Creek Rd

Lorimor IA 50149-8003





Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"


Thanks for checking. I did find some information from a researcher. I am enclosing his reply.


Dear Mr. Day,

This e-mail is to inform you that the Discharge Documents of T-5 Day. have arrived. Respectfully, I must inform you that I will not be able to prepare a Profile of his service during WW 2. While inducted September 12, 1942, T-5 Day did not go overseas until October 12, 1945. Japanese envoys signed the Document of Surrender onboard the USS Missouri BB-63, anchored in Tokyo Bay, September 2, 1945. I simply have few facts as per the activities of US Military Personnel after hostilities ended.

However, I would like to share with you the few facts I do have, along with some observations. First, there is an error on the page of the Discharge Document titled "Separation Qualification Record." Box #13, the date should be October, 1945, not October, 1944.

Please note that Box #31 on the "Enlisted Record And Report Of Separation" indicates that T-5 Day earned the Expert Infantryman Badge on May 26, 1945. Since V-E Day, was May 8, 1945, T-5 Day was training for Operation OLYMPIC-CORONET, the Invasion of Japan, scheduled to begin November 1, 1945. The Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima & Nagasaki, August 6 & 9, 1945, thankfully stopped that invasion.

On the "RESTRICTED" page, the 453rd has APO 503. That APO was for Tokyo, August 31, 1945 to March 1946.

The dates in Box #36 are consistent with the time it was taking ships to sail from the west coast of the US to Japan, or back. Also, the 453rd went overseas in May 1943, so T-5 Day was no doubt a replacement for a member of the unit who had enough "points" to come home.

I am sorry that I do not have additional facts as per the 453rd in Japan after September 2, 1945 to share with you. If I do come across any, I will be sure to share them with you.



Richard V. Horrell

WW 2 Connections

228 Charlotte Cove

Cadiz KY 42211


I would still like to know more about this unit and will keep searching. Mr Horrell with WW2 Connections responded very quickly and came up with quite a bit of information. I would recommend his services highly.


Take care, M!

Ricky Day


Hi Ricky:


Good to hear from you. Happy to know that Richard was able to provide you with some information to get you going.


Have you also tried contacting NARA in Maryland to get the daily, weekly and monthly journals for their unit?

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

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