Nazi Scrapbooks from Hell

There are 3 programs about Hitler and the Holocaust on the National Geographic Channel right now (Sunday April 27, 2008). They will be repeated later tonight if you miss the first broadcast.




Hi Jim, Hope you are ok ?



Yea Dogdaddy,

We missed you!! Glad to see you back. I also caught "Das Boot" this weekend. Great film. Years ago I read a review that gave stats of the movie "5- the number of close calls, 6-the number of times youll slap yourself when you catch yourself cheering for the crew and realize they're Nazis"


6-the number of times youll slap yourself when you catch yourself cheering for the crew and realize they're Nazis"


Roger that, civilwargal! I respect and admire courage regardless of the uniform, and the Germans who went to war in U-boats had to have a bunch of that. It's no secret that during WWII The the U-boat crews had around a 70-75% mortality rate. What a great movie that is! To be fair though, it is my opinion that it took even more courage to be a merchant marine on a Victory ship in WWII, knowing that you were a sitting duck for the enemy submariners!

Also...thank you for your kind words. I had a pretty stressful Winter due to my 2 pup losses and a very difficult (and ongoing) family matter. :woof:






Sorry about the pups. They are such a part of our lives. I think about all the dogs Ive owned over the years and how full they have made my heart feel. They live in our hearts forever.

In all wars, there are good and bad people on both sides. My fathers family was from southern Poland. During the roundup of the people from his cousins family, my fathers cousin was singled out and taken by the SS. He was about 5 and was cute and blonde. He spent the next several years on a tour of Europe acting as a boot black and doing odd jobs. He was somewhere in France on D day and when the Germans began falling back, he overheard an officer tell a sargent to "get rid of him". My fathers cousin tried to figure out what to do as he was taken out to the woods when the sargent told him to hide under some leaves and wait for several days before leaving. He then fired his pistol into the air and left. My fathers cousin hooked up with some US troops that took him into Germany with them. He was about 10 at the time and one of the soldiers spoke Polish and offered to take him back with him to the US. He wanted to go home and of course, got home to find that his family was missing, except some relatives in another town. How fortunate that he found a "good" Nazi that would risk his life to save him.


civilwargal- I have a good friend named Max who lives in Ukraine. His grandfather "Nickolay" served in the Red Army as an artillarist before being captured and sent to Mauthausen Concentration camp. If anybody has a right to hate Germans it is Max, but he has shared stories with me that were told to him by elderly people who survived the German occupation...stories of compassion and acts of kindness on both sides that are good for me to hear, because after watching several hours of film about the Holocaust it's easy to come away with nothing but hatred in my heart for Germans (or Japanese). Not all Russians were guilty of rape in Berlin, just as not all Germans were guilty of sadistic acts in the occupied territories. I often forget this, as I am deeply affected emotionally when I see acts of cruelty commited against women and children (especially).


have a Good day!

Dogdaddy :woof:


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