2756th ECS

Hey Marian,


I sent a letter to my local VA this morning as you suggested. The NARA intrigues me too. The information you received sounds like the very type thing I would like to have. I know from looking at some of the info you've posted on your dad that my dad had to have been nearby. They weren't in the same unit obviously but the same neighborhood certainly.


Any suggestions as to what I need to request from NARA other than the things you mentioned in your post? Especially since I'm not sure exactly what unit my dad was in, say for instance, when he was in North Africa. All I know for certain is the unit he was in at the end of the war and that's the one that started this thread.


As I mentioned in one of my earlier messages, I think, dad said his unit had it's name/designation changed several times so the ending name is all I know of for sure. That is certainly one of the reasons I'm trying for the medical records, if they exist, so I might be able to find out some other unit designations. Of course, I suppose it's always possible that the NARA will have something on the one unit I know for sure and that might leave a trail for me to follow from end to beginning so to speak.


One other question too. When I request the info from NARA do they send me a notification of what they have found and how much it will cost? I think the answer is yes based upon some of the information I've read on your site but I thought I'd ask. Seems like I read that you or someone else hired someone to go to NARA and copy vast quantities of information.


I'll keep plugging along and keep you posted on my progress.




Let's see what happens at the VA first. It may give indications of his previous unit(s). If so, then that solves that problem.


Once you get the pertinent information, then you contact NARA and request any information they have on the unit. They will perform a search and let you know what they have found. They will give you a cost estimate. Depending on what records they have, you may prefer to do it in batches.


You also have the option of going there yourself to retrieve records, have them copy so many, or even hire a research assistant to perform this chore. We can talk about that later...


A FREE option, yes FREE, is to contact the Army Corps of Engineer's Office of History. They will send you what they have. I obtained a lot of info this way. GREAT! :armata_PDT_37:

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Here's what our forum SEARCH brought up for 2756th:

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Here's some info I found on that unit:


Cronk, Harry Alden - WWII - US Army; European theater (Seventh Army, 2756th Engineer Combat Battalion) German occupation.







Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Whoa Marion!


You provided me with the first solid evidence when you gave me the link to the 101st Calvary. Found the reference to the 2756th on the SAAR River and read from there. But sure enough, dad's unit was there. Considering that this was in Feb 44, I'm reasonably comfortable that he was too. I also recall him mentioning the Saar River at one time. He also mentioned Bavaria and the history you provided goes on to talk about that part of the world. Thank you so much! :clappin:


I would have never thought to search the site you did. Obviously your years of experience gives you ideas of where to look. I've Googled 2756th ECS but did not run across this link. I guess I should have added more detail to the search. Is this site part of Florida State (FSU)?


Contact the Corps of Engineers! So obvious that I might have thought of that.... Eventually. :rolleyes: I like their price too.


Yep, let's see what the VA provides and then see where we stand. What you gave me will keep me going for a while.


I appreciate this SO much.



You are very, very welcome. I'm happy to oblige. Will see what else I can find in any of my books. Stay tuned.
Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

I found a reference for the 2756th ECB, looks like the unit was formed from part of the 1st Engineer Amphibian Brigade, or 1st Engineer Special Brigade.

It looks like the 591st Engineer Boat Regiment evolved into the 1185th Engineer Combat Group and later the 591st Engineer Combat Group


1185th / 591st Engineer Combat Group:


2755th ECB

2756th ECB

2759th ECB


This info was found on a 591st 2001 reunion page: http://www.armyamphibs.com/html/1esb_meetings.htm


found on the site: http://www.armyamphibs.com/html/1st_esb.htm


Hope this helps, i`ll see what else i can dig up.


Hey Larry,


Thanks for the information. This is something new for me to add. I was especially taken with the reunion information. Sure enough, right there was my dad's unit, the 2756th, along with all the others in his group.


Unfortunately, dad has passed away but I'm sure he would have been excited to see the information about this reunion. Heck, if he had known about it, I might have been able to talk him into going as he was still alive and doing pretty good in 2001. Especially since it was in Tulsa and he lived in central Arkansas. Not far at all really.


I appreciate you sending this on to me.


I will have some information to post soon that I have come up with. I'm waiting on a response to a letter I sent to the V.A. Hopefully, they will be able to provide me with something new. If not, I will post what I have and go from there.


Thanks again


Larry (NormsSon)


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