New here!

Hello Marion,


Thanks for those titles,I wil see if I can order them right away :pdt34: !

I have gotten some great photo,s from Eric Reinert the historian from the US Army Corps of Engineers,and I am verry greatfull for them and that he had taken the time and effort for searching and sending me those photo,s.


And your right to say about those two books you mentioned that they are right up my alley!

I am now reading Builders and Fighters,the US Army Engineers in WW2,and I love it!


Greetz and al the best!




Glad I could be of service Jelle! Let me know when you get them. They have become indispensable in my library. Can't tell you how often I have referenced that set. Worth every penny (or should I say euro)!


The Army Corps of Engineers have assisted so many folks, including me. A wonderful bunch of people. :armata_PDT_37:

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

welkom bij de club.


welcome to the group.


have fun and hope that you can find were you looking for.


regards danny




Just solved your "no credit card" problem; you can download the books here. They are complete!


United States Army in World War II - The Corps of Engineers: Troops and Equipment


United States Army in World War II - The Corps of Engineers: Construction in the United States


The Corps of Engineers: The War Against Germany - They don't have this one uploaded yet. Sorry!


Ah, but wait, here is another site. Try downloading the ZIP file entitled, It can be found here. I am downloading it myself to see if it works.


Good luck. This way you can have it all on your computer. That might work just fine!!!

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Here are some more pics of my current project. It is a B-24D and really the biggest challenge I've taken on in a while. For those not in the know, Armor models (tanks, half tracks, etc.) can pretty much be entirely assembled and then painted. Planes require lots of subassembly work and masking. Really quite a pain in the rump. I think I'll stick to tanks for my next several projects.





More here:

Maj Todd O. USMC, Retired
Grandson of LTC John O'Brien

Hello CaptO or can I cal you Tod,and hello Danny another fellow Dutchman here :pdt34: !


Tod that is an nice build you got there,do or did you ad some aftermarkt stuff on this build?

For the others that aren,t into modelling,aftermarkt stuff are set,s wich you can use to detail your models even futher with.

For tanks and such you can buy ,,real,, tracks and photo etch that are some tiny metal bits to detail your model with.

And there are other aftermarkt detail set,s out there wich you can use to give your model an complete interior,it is so amezing what you can get nowaday,s that you have to see it your self what is possible.

I hope I have explaind it a little bitt what aftermarkt stuf is,if there are more question let me know.


Tod most of my models have interiors and such so I know what you mean!

I am building an M32B1 ARV and that one is getting an complete interior so I know it for sure,I have gotten from an fellow modeller some real good reference,s and I use that to base my M32B1 interior on.

Reference,s are like you know one of the most important ,,tools,, in detailing and/or correcting your model.


Marion thanks for you help it is most appriciated,if you hear an loud scream of joy you know that the books are here ;) !








Was so happy I could do that for you. And thanks for your prompt payment too. It's wonderful to work together. I will be listening for that SCREAM across the Atlantic!



Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Tod that is an nice build you got there,do or did you ad some aftermarkt stuff on this build?


Actually, it's just straight from the box parts. I have noticed several parts that could be much better in resin or photo-etch brass, but I didn't go to the trouble. It's such a big scale for a bomber (1/48th) that it kind of necessitates interiors because you can see in it so easily. Details such as the engine coils are just the result of careful modeling and meticulous dry-brushing. I'll hang more pictures on Picasa when I get the chance. I'm going to Myrtle Beach, SC this weekend. Tschüss dann!

Maj Todd O. USMC, Retired
Grandson of LTC John O'Brien

And nice work you did Tod,it isn,t always necessary to use aftermarkt stuff!


Did you here the scream Marion ;) ?

The first book is here :wave2: !

And it is great,again my thanks for helping me out in ordering these two books!

The book I got is the Corps of Engineers-The War against Germany,and the book is in good shape and I am knee deep into reading it and it is great!

I hardly can,t wait til the other title come,s in.


Greetz from Jelle :26_14_1: .


That is just wonderful. Glad to hear the good news. Actually I think I did hear the scream. I wondered what woke me up out of bed!!?!? :bluejumper::clappin:


Enjoy. That one is filled with so many top-notch photos too! One of my fave books for reference.

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

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