WHAT!!boot traing Miami Beach in TENTS

This is the story of Air Corp. Boot Training at Tent City


Sunday Oct. 24, 1943 Left Miami Beach Hotel at 1 P.M. arrived at Tent City at 4:15 P.M.. No Hotels there is 400 tents with 8 men to a tent. For next few dats you eat with


Your army utensils and drink from a large canvass bag. The firing range is just across the street.. We fire carbine, Springfield,tommy gun, and other weaponds.I shot a 142,, does


Any-one know if that is good or bad? There were guards all around to keep us from leaving.The only toilets were slit trenches and it rained all night. We got chemical war-fare training when thay through tear gas among us and we put our gas masks on..


We left tent city Wed.27th and returned to our Miami Beach hotels. For those who were at Miami Beach do these name ring a bell. Hotel Netherland,,Nautilus,,Pancoast,,Nausaue,,


Macfadden Deaville,,Edge Water Beach,,St., Moritz,,Massonettes,,Grand Plaza,,Rendale


And for eating Hauffman Café.. Remember Nov. 18, 1943 every-one was re-stricted to there hotels ,because they lost 147 men and they took a head count. There goes my senior moment


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