
From the History Channel store: "Hell's Battlefields" 2-dvds, 3 parts. Part (1) Kursk part (2) D-Day. Part (3) Battle of the Bulge). 30%off during December :pdt34:




DD :woof:


Here's one I recently told Roque about: "Italy World War II..American Army Fighting Divisions In The Italian Campaign 1943-1945." This is a 3-DVD set distributed by CIB MEDIA, www.cibmedia.com, or to order call: 415-892-3116.

Disc One:

Campaign in Italy

Sicily to Naples

Battle for San Pietro

Naples to Cassino


Disc Two:

Beachead at Anzio

34th Infantry Div.

36th Infantry Div.


Disc Three:

Liberation of Rome

Climb to Glory


I paid $34.95 for the set and found it well worth the price. Usually the other documentaries that mention Italy seem to focus on the bombing of the monestary at Monte Cassino and little else...this is the complete campaign, from start to finish.





Oooooo, gotta have that one! :pdt34::pdt34:B)

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Here's one I recently told Roque about: "Italy World War II..American Army Fighting Divisions In The Italian Campaign 1943-1945." This is a 3-DVD set distributed by CIB MEDIA, www.cibmedia.com, or to order call: 415-892-3116.

Disc One:

Campaign in Italy

Sicily to Naples

Battle for San Pietro

Naples to Cassino


Disc Two:

Beachead at Anzio

34th Infantry Div.

36th Infantry Div.


Disc Three:

Liberation of Rome

Climb to Glory


I paid $34.95 for the set and found it well worth the price. Usually the other documentaries that mention Italy seem to focus on the bombing of the monestary at Monte Cassino and little else...this is the complete campaign, from start to finish.







I am FINALLY watching the disks. Thanks. We went out for a while today, but we came home early because I haven't been feeling that hot today and thought, this would be a great day to watch videos and lay on the couch.


Just starting watching but enjoying it already because there is always film that I've never seen before. Will keep my eyes peeled for engineers and my other guys.




Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Hi M!

Great to hear that you are finally able to watch that set. Just knowing that your Dad was takin' care of business there should make it special for you. Speaking of documentaries...I have a confession to make. I am now watching Part 5 of "The War." I ordered this set 2 weeks ago and got it on Saturday. I haven't

peeked' ahead until today, because I like the feeling of watching it together. However, I have not yet made it through an episode at night without dozing off and missing chunks of this wonderful program, so today I decided to watch while I'm still wide awake. I won't give it away now except to say that I haven't been disappointed in any of these episodes yet and No. 5 is no different. I love it!


Dogdaddy :woof:


There is a company called Timeless Media Group that distributes many different military DVD sets..some have already mentioned here before. Lately there seems to be a glut of them being sold at discount stores like Wal-Mart and what have you, which is a real plus for those of us with modest incomes. I have been able to find some quality WWII sets that have 2 or 3 DVDS included for around $7.00 with some as cheap as $5.00 for some great programs!

I just finished watching one about the reconstruction and de-nazification of Germany in the weeks and months after the war ended. All I can say is Wow...what a job trying to sort out all the DP's and POWs! I don't know how the Allies managed it, but they did. In the Pacific there was not just one surrender, but many of them , which I didn't realize before. Like most people when I think of Japan's surrender I think only of the proceedings that took place on the Mighty Mo/ with General MacArthur. Seeing war criminals like General Yamashita hand over their swords must have been very satisfying to Generals Wainwright and Percival, who had been on the other side of surrender not that long ago... :14_1_107v:



Dogdaddy :woof:


There are some new WWII Documentaries in stores lately....just in time for Christmas! They are Boxed sets of 5 DVDs in each set. The titles are: THE ROAD TO TOKYO, THE ROAD TO ROME, and THE ROAD TO BERLIN. I'm currently in the middle of the BERLIN set, and it's alot more in depth than the title implies, as it starts with the roots of WWII in Europe, including Hitler's rise to power. Each set is priced at $14.99 and comes in a metal box.


Merry Christmas!

Dogdaddy :woof:


That's a fantastic price. How can one pass up a deal like that.


Good to see you again.


Merry Christmas

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

I just ordered this:



Looks interesting

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For about a year I struggled with a tempermental DVD player that was gradually developing a life of it's own...which included allowing me to view only 10% of the documentary/movie collection I've gradually assembled. I finally broke down and bought a new one this year around Christmas, so now I'm back in business. I love WWII history but really don't enjoy reading books as much as I used to...why? because a 10 minute reading session usually turns into a nap, which is not a bad thing..but not conducive to reading more than a book or two per year. I then rejoined Netflix since it's a whole lot cheaper than buying a new WWII DVD only to find it's the same footage with a different title! Today I viewed one titled "How Hitler Lost The War" which he did for a number of different reasons, but most agree that WWII was his (and Germany's) to lose. I enjoyed it very much and would recommend it highly. Running time is only 60 minutes but features expert opnions of people who participated, such as Adolph Galland.


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