What are you listening to right now?

Mare; The Andrew sisters were the cream, all others were milk


It was long, but well worth the wait. It didn't matter how fast the music was; they were like one voice. If you listened to this and your hands & feet weren't flappin, you is,,,,, daid !!!. And what about The big bands. How about those of us pushing that other generation, who, on the way home from a date, tuned in on the car radio, and picked up the big band music coming out of Chicago, New orleans, etc. Mare,,, How about Edgewater, Grande, and Walled lake cassino. Two o


Now what do we have. A guy behind a mamouth keyboard, pounding out,,,,, UGH,,,,, synthetized c--- they have the gall to call music, that has no life in it. If you don't know how a real instrument sounds, listen to: Jascha Heifets on--- violin

Roger Williams ----- piano

Harry james--------- horn

Tommy Dorsey------ trombone

Tex Beneke---------- Sax

Gene Krupa---------- drums

Glen Miller band----- "In the mood"

While we're at it, why not a vocal instrument--------- "Sentimental Journey" with Doris Day


If you think I'm wrong, I'll give you the floor




Jascha Heifets on--- violin

Roger Williams ----- piano

Harry james--------- horn

Tommy Dorsey------ trombone

Tex Beneke---------- Sax

Gene Krupa---------- drums

Glen Miller band----- "In the mood"

"Sentimental Journey" with Doris Day

I'll add to that list:

Artie Shaw and Benny Goodman on the Clarinet

Louis Armstrong on trumpet

Duke Ellington on Piano

Such great stuff!!!!

Maj Todd O. USMC, Retired
Grandson of LTC John O'Brien

Edith Piaf - La Vie En Rose :



Edith Piaf-Hymne à l'amour:



Hymne à l'amour

The blue sky can collapse on us,

And the land could well collapse,

I do not care if you love me,

I do not care worldwide.


As long as love inundates my morning

Both qu'mon body quiver under your hands

I do not care problems,

My love, since you love me.


I would go to the end of the world

I'd dye it blonde

If you ask me.

I would get the moon

I would steal the property,

If you ask me.

I deny my country,

I deny my friends

If you ask me.

We may laugh at me,

I'd do anything

If you ask me.


If one day life to tear me

If you die, you may be away from me,

I do not care if you love me,

For me I would die too.

We have eternity to us,

In the blue of all immensity

In the sky, more problems,

My love, do you think they love each other?


God meets those who love.



EDITH PIAF- mon dieu :




My God


My God! My God! My God!

Let him stay with me

a little bit longer

my lover!

One day, two days, eight days...

Let him stay with me

a little bit longer

with me


The times of adoring each other

of saying it to him

the times of making up


My God! Oh yes... my God!

Let him stay with me

and fill my life

a little bit


My God! My God! My God!

Let him stay with me

a little bit longer

my lover!

Six months, three months, two months...

Let him stay with me

for only

one month...


The times to start

or to finish

the times of lightening

or of suffering

My God! My God! My God!

Even if I’m mistaken

let him stay with me

a little bit

even if I’m mistaken

let him stay with me



Edith Piaf Sous le Ciel de Paris :





Chuck, long time no talk. Good to hear from you and love hearing your thoughts about the old time music. No there's tunes you can hum forever.
Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Le Chant des Partisans/ French WWII partisans's song.






No offense to none of the above but with me-----EL RANCHO GRANDE,ETC.ETC.ETC.


At the moment i`m replaying an Oak Ridge Boys video, over & over again...


Silver and Gold and Thee Presents ~*~Gi Joe and Lillie~*~


American Anthem - Norah Jones ;



The mansions of the Lord ;



Sgt. McKenzie ;



Amazing grace - André Rieu ;






Chuck, long time no talk. Good to hear from you and love hearing your thoughts about the old time music. No there's tunes you can hum forever.


Oh Mare; I get back here once in a while to see what's going on, and because I miss reading about everybody. I don't have a whole lot going on in my life these days. I seem to be losing more friends than I make these days. It's said that we are dropping off around about one a day. The ones I've known have already done so. Art being the last. I really miss that guy. Seems I hate to see Wednsdays come around anymore. That was our day for lunch and back to either other's place to see how fast we could crash the computer, or maybe create havoc on your forum. I Remember how way back when you first set up your site, we gave you fits with our shenanigans, and you tried in a nice way to tell us to follow the rules. Wish we had those days back. And when in #@&% are you coming out with that book. I'm not getting any younger, you know.


Take care kiddo



I like Usa !!





French translation




Si aujourd'hui je ne dois pas parler allemand et vivre sous le Troisième Reich…

Merci l'Amérique


Si aujourd'hui je ne dois pas parler russe et vivre sous ce drapeau rouge…

Merci l'Amérique


Si aujourd'hui mon épouse ne doit pas cacher son visage et elle peut vivre comme un femme…

Merci l'Amérique


Si aujourd'hui je peux boire d'une bière et célébrer la vie sans la crainte…

Merci l'Amérique


Si aujourd'hui je peux choisir mon propre Dieu…


Si aujourd'hui je peux dire ce que je pense sans regarder derrière mon arrière…


Si aujourd'hui je peux être le propriétaire de mon présent et rêve au sujet de mon futur…


Si aujourd'hui je suis un libre équipez dans un pays libre… Je veux dire une fois de plus …


Merci l'Amérique




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