Future "sister" site www.ww2engineers.com

Marion, I apparently goofed. As to your new proposed site, you may post the info from Allen Co. Pub. Lib. on the 290th C.E. Bn.. There is the ww11 history included in the info I gave to them. Just google 290th c.e.bn.. It usually shows up close to the top[ of the page. Paul


Thanks Paul and btw, I took care of the goof! :armata_PDT_01:


The site probably won't (I know it won't), get off the ground until after the documentary is completed. Just too much to chew on at the moment. But of course will be more than happy to add the info.


All the best,


Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Thanks Paul and btw, I took care of the goof! :armata_PDT_01:


The site probably won't (I know it won't), get off the ground until after the documentary is completed. Just too much to chew on at the moment. But of course will be more than happy to add the info.


All the best,


Marion, I will have problems with anything I post because as I said i am very computer illeritate. Thanks. Bear with me. I hope you don't have to straighten too many goofs. I realized you would not have the new sight up and running anytime soon. I never did understand how anyone could have so many things going at once and do them well, which seems to be what you are doing. Take Care. Keep up the good work. paul


Paul: I promise to be patient! :armata_PDT_01:


Well I guess I was a born multi-tasker. I'm always doing something. It's in the blood. What I have learned to do though is to learn how to say no. Used to get myself into trouble with that.


For instance, I began working with computers about 25 years ago, and began getting phone calls at my house from family and friends ALL the time. "Please come over and fix my computer!", "Do you have a moment? Can you run through this on the phone?" "Can I drop my computer off to you tomorrow?"


Well I certainly enjoy working with computers, and didn't mind helping people, but it was getting out of hand. I would never say NO! Then it began to be a burden at times. Hubby kept saying, "You have to learn how to say no."


Then I was getting to the point where I was starting to resent some people, for they would even call on a Sunday afternoon, because their GAME crashed, and expect me to fix it right then and there.


I DID LEARN HOW TO SAY NO! :bluejumper: It was the best thing I ever did. I made more ME TIME!


About a year ago I received a letter from a well-meaning daughter of a vet. She had asked me if there was more info on one of the units. Yes I explained there was, but due to the nature of the beast and amount of material, it was probably going to take me months to scan and upload, once I got around to it. You know what she said? I was being unfair to sit on all these documents, while people were itching to get a them. :fireyhair:


I told her I understood how she and others might feel, but I was only ONE PERSON, who also works full time, and I also have a life outside the "Corps". She wasn't real happy.


Trust me, I wish I could share everything in my collection, TODAY, but it's simply not feasible. It's a long and arduous process, and sometimes it downright daunting!


So I try my best, and sometimes things must slide. Now that I'm working on part two of the documentary again, other things will slide including the website. There's only so much one person can do.


Once again, thanks for your vote of confidence. It means a lot to me.

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Marion,I would have informed that woman that the info is available at the National Archives , which I am sure you more than likely got it from. Some people are just users. I am into genealogy and some people just want you to do their work. If you do you will never hear a thank you. They just get mad because you won't do their work for them. Keep your stiff upper lip and do what you need to do for yourself. Your husband sounds like a gem. Take Care. :armata_PDT_37: paul


Ah, feels good to have this conversation.


I think most people are very grateful, but on occasion you do run into those who just WANT. And dang, it would be nice to have a little help now and then. I don't think I would be asking for much.


That is why I ask new forum members to read the following section first, but many DO NOT.




Thus I wind up answering the same questions over and over again and pointing them to the same links. If people simply read a few paragraphs before sending off a PM or an email, it would save me countless hours, and that is no joke. It would take care of the nitty-gritty and allow me to spend more time happily :armata_PDT_01: answering more detailed questions.


Well, must run, have lots to do as usual. It's been a wonderful week at VI Corps. Lots to share with everyone soon. Have a blessed day!


PS. He IS a real gem. I wouldn't be able to do all this without him!!!!

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

You ought to tell her, "The address is 1460 Joy St, Alger, MI 48610-0147. You work the store and pay me normal research fees and I'll stop 'sitting' on all this information"!! :P

Maj Todd O. USMC, Retired
Grandson of LTC John O'Brien

Ah, feels good to have this conversation.


I think most people are very grateful, but on occasion you do run into those who just WANT. And dang, it would be nice to have a little help now and then. I don't think I would be asking for much.


That is why I ask new forum members to read the following section first, but many DO NOT.




Thus I wind up answering the same questions over and over again and pointing them to the same links. If people simply read a few paragraphs before sending off a PM or an email, it would save me countless hours, and that is no joke. It would take care of the nitty-gritty and allow me to spend more time happily :armata_PDT_01: answering more detailed questions.


Well, must run, have lots to do as usual. It's been a wonderful week at VI Corps. Lots to share with everyone soon. Have a blessed day!


PS. He IS a real gem. I wouldn't be able to do all this without him!!!!

Well, being an ole dogface I'll jest sit back and read what y'all have to say. heh heh!!


You ought to tell her, "The address is 1460 Joy St, Alger, MI 48610-0147. You work the store and pay me normal research fees and I'll stop 'sitting' on all this information"!! :P


Sounds good. Next time I will do just that. And if they give me any grief, I'll just send 'em on down the line to the brass, and they can explain it to da major, Major! :14_1_107v::clappin2:


Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

And thanks there, Rocky 'ol boy! You da :squirrel 4: Number one :squirrel 4: that is!!!

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

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