Local man allegedlly spits on Westboro protestor.

Lcoal man made the news and was posted on several formus. Billy Joe Spade "allegedlly" spit on a Westboro protestor in Charleston.



One of the guys I work for is good friends with him and he told me a little about him today and all I can say is "What a character!" I think this dude needs his own show.


This wacko protested down my way at a Marine's funeral and his father sued him, won and then was over turned. He was also ordered to pay the court costs, fees etc for the Westboro Church (if you can eve call them that). As I have just started doing my family geneaolgy, I have discovered that alot of my family has served and fought, were wounded, taken prisoner (1 great uncle was a POW 2 times). Because of these brave men and many more like them, fought for our freedoms that they just twist around. I am outraged that these "people"/Christian's have the nerve to disgrace a solem event like a funeral. If this "incident" did indeed happen I might cite the gentleman for the lost thing possible, but shake his hand for doing something that I could not do.


This wacko protested down my way at a Marine's funeral and his father sued him, won and then was over turned. He was also ordered to pay the court costs, fees etc for the Westboro Church (if you can eve call them that). As I have just started doing my family geneaolgy, I have discovered that alot of my family has served and fought, were wounded, taken prisoner (1 great uncle was a POW 2 times). Because of these brave men and many more like them, fought for our freedoms that they just twist around. I am outraged that these "people"/Christian's have the nerve to disgrace a solem event like a funeral. If this "incident" did indeed happen I might cite the gentleman for the lost thing possible, but shake his hand for doing something that I could not do.


My name is Rosanne, the proud daughter of a WWII vet who fought with courage, honor and commitment on June 6, 1944. Let me just say that I think it is deplorable behavior and disrespectful to do this at any funeral ESPECIALLY that of a fallen soldier. I love my country, I honor and respect all of our veterans but unfortunately the 1st amendment allows this. I do not agree at all. Are we not allow to bury our loved ones with honor and dignity. If I was at that funeral, most likely I would have would up in handcuffs because if I ever saw someone do that I would punch his/her face so hard they would be knocked to the ground. This Jersey Girl strongly believes in her causes and that of honoring our military is no. 1 on the list.


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