Have been away for a while

I have been away for a while. I haven't lost my interest in WW2 but for some reason I had lost my discipline to post on forums. I have posted a few messages on WBG.com but that's it. I will try to check in more often from now on.

All is well here and I hope all is well with everybody here on the forum.

My apologies for being away without saying a thing.




Hi Frank!

Good to see your post. Don't feel too bad...it happens to all of us. There have been periods where I have stopped posting because I just didn't feel like I had anything of interest to add.


Best Regards,



Hi Frank. Good to see you here. Don't feel bad. Haven't even been on my OWN forum this week, due to pain. Sorry I missed you on Facebook the other day. Think I've been there for a total of about five minutes, the last six days or so. Feel cut off and lost without everyone.


Glad to see you here though. Thanks for touching base with me and everyone else. You are always missed.


Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Thanks for the messages. You said what I meant Jim and Marin, for some reason I am happy to be missed but it also makes me feel sad.




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