Christoph, as always, you were so kind to look all of this up.! And you were so fast! I was shocked when I went back on the site yesterday and found you had already solved my problems!!!
The email address is the one that I have. I will wait until next week to resend my email. If I get a chance I will call him, it is incredible that you got me his number and everything so fast! I can not get a number that fast here in America - for anyone. Maybe Larry can - he appears like you, to have a magic touch.
How I wish I knew the German language! It seems to me last year it was Wolfgang that Kleemann called and he asked him for his thoughts on my Dad - where he could have met up with the Allieds and the group. Now because of the Guidry information - and I do not believe it could be wrong since it was written back close to the event - it has been confirmed that it was the 78th Div.
I am waiting to hear back from the Eisenhower Library on my request about Guidry's capture. Larry helped define the details including the boxes where the information might be located. Once that request has been fulfilled - successful or not - I will wait a bit and then go back to the wonderful gentleman there and see what guidance he can again give me for the 78th Div.
My research, if I recall properly, showed the 78th and others not being that far east of the Rhine. And the documents and books that I have read all say or imply the same thing - that they were restricted until later than March 21st to breakout from that area.
I am so happy to have the Klaus contact info. I might consider writing to him and telling him what I am looking for. I was considering asking him about the 78th and Dad's location etc. - but once I learned, and it was only recently, that he was not in the age range of Kleemann, but instead had actually been in WW2 I doubted that I would ever explain my dilemma to him.
However, after seeing him in that video, I am reconsidering. He looks great.
And about the video, I was so thrilled to be able to share that with the 4th Division folks that I am in contact with. The Hurtgen Forest and that area played a great role in their lives. 2 were wounded there but not captured. And one gentleman that was wounded there was ultimately taken to Siegburg/Abbey and there for 2 weeks up in the hospital area.
The Hemingway Trail is of great interest to the 4th Div. because it was the 22nd Reg. in the 4th Div. that Hemingway hung with. There are great tales about their times together.
So that Hurtgen Forest video/documentary meant a lot to me and to those 4th Div. folks. THANK YOU!!!
Your email was another O WOW from Christoph!!!
I was planning to respond last night - never made it to Mom's - but the reason I did not respond sooner will come in a future response...
As Always Christoph, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!