Larry, dear forum member "SonofMp" has passed away

I got a letter a few hours ago, mere seconds before I was heading out the door with my husband,. Just got back home and as much as I was dreading this, have horrible news to share with my forum members this evening.


It is with much regret that I inform you that Larry "SonofMP" passed away this week. Here is the message from his dear wife:






I wanted to let you know that Larry passed away on January 7th. His heart failure had gotten worse over Christmas and New Year's. He slipped away at 2:58 in the morning. I remember our visit at home with such pleasure and Larry very much enjoyed working with you and conversing with everyone on your website. He still has the board he was given by the Pennsylvania group that made him an honorary member of their group.


He is sorely missed by myself and our sons. I hope you will let others know of his passing that knew him as well.


God Bless,


Sandi Duzal



A few weeks ago, he sent me a personal message, and asked me to call him, because he was not doing well. I can't tell you how I dreaded that phone call, and it took me three days to gain my composure, in order to do so.


I knew Larry had some heart problems over the past few years, but had no idea how bad it was until then. So it was a very difficult phone call, to say the least, but he remained composed and told me that is was not over and that he planned on being around. That made me smile, but I knew how sick he was. Larry, I said, you are such an integral part of this forum, what will we do without you. And it was no exaggeration.


So even though I knew what was going on, it was still a huge shock this evening to receive the notice.


I went to the bar and raised a toast to him. Larry, you certainly helped make this forum what is was and you will be sorely missed. I miss you already.


Jean - :I promised Larry I would not say anything to you or anyone else. I wanted him to be the one who had the power. But you know what he said to me? "Jean will be crushed when she hears the news", and I know he was so right, because he played such an instrumental role in parlaying all the news about your dad. He was thinking of you.


So, let's bow our head tonight and raise a toast to long time buddy, researcher-par excellence and just pain ol good friend.


I miss you.

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

He was right -once again! I am crushed!




Marion, I tried to send you a note and not sure if it went through.


I am still and will always remain broken hearted! Devastated beyond description does not apply. In our correspondence Larry the Legend would reassure me that he was tough and that he could handle everything going on.


I would like to contact his wife and I want to place a brick at the WW2 Museum in New Orleans with his name on it.


He meant so much to me and anyone that has ever read any of our postings will understand that!!!


Larry the Legend solved a lot of really impossible mysteries and there were so many more that we were both eager to work on! He was absolutely brilliant!


What great love and respect I have for the man! His name has been etched in my heart and my Dad would say the same for his heart too.


Still do not want to believe this news - but know it is true.





I was so shocked to read this today. Larry was such an integral part of the forum it is hard to think of it without him. We have lost many of our WWII vets along the way and sad as it is, it was not totally unexpected. I could hardly believe this topic, however, when I checked in this morning. I will certainly raise one for him at next opportunity. He will be sorely missed by me and by those who frequented the forum.


Maj Todd O. USMC, Retired
Grandson of LTC John O'Brien

Dear Todd and Jean


Yes, it is still hard to believe. Larry still had so much to give and as Jean said to me, no one will be able to fill his shoes. I am still numb this morning. Had a few drinks last night in his honor. Got home early, went to bed early and woke up early, so here I am.


I am getting his wife's address, so anyone who would like to send a card, can. I will share it in private with those who ask.


I don't know what else to say right now, but it sure makes you think, doesn't it? But I wanted to thank both of you for posting. It means a lot to me. I know it means a lot to his wife and it means a lot to Larry.

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Larry was a very special person and a integeral member here. He helped me with my research and was always willing to take on another task. I am proud to have met him on a couple of occaisions and enjoyed his company at the 36th reunions.


He will not be forgotten and all I can add is RIP Larry dear friend.




Okay, I have her address. Jean, Colin and Todd, I will send to all of you right now. Anyone else who would like to send something to Sandi, please drop me a line.

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

This is a great loss for all of us. Unfortunately I never met him but here in the Forum. Larry, we will miss you.




Marion, Thank You for the contact information.


I am still reeling from this devastating news. This sounds so crazy but I can't imagine how I will function without having Larry in my life. I just knew I could always depend upon him for anything! It is so strange to say that but that is how I felt at some subconscious level. He really was a genius! And he worked Miracles for me!


I will one day put together all of our correspondence.


How fortunate you and Colin and Todd knew him for such a long period. Do you know the first thing he sent me was a picture of himself with you Marion! He was so proud of that!


I have ordered a brick for Larry, His wife wrote that it is a wonderful honor to their family to have a brick placed at the Museum. The second line of the 3 lines will say 'Larry the Legend.'


I will write more later,



Oh, I couldn't even respond yesterday, for had a huge lump in my throat when I read the part


Do you know the first thing he sent me was a picture of himself with you Marion! He was so proud of that!


I didn't know about that. Will have to find a copy of that to post. It would mean so much to me.


Thank you for doing that for Larry and his family. Wow! He is looking down and smiling on you.

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

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