Larry - you enriched my life in so many ways and you changed my life forever with your research! You provided new information that will remain documented and available to the world forever! Your efforts were priceless!
You did everything with no expectation that you would receive anything for it.
The only thing I ever sent you was an unframed photograph. And that was something that you really wanted. We had so many belly laughs over it. You had such a refreshing child like approach in your one and two word responses to my couple of sentence emails. No one will ever be created again that will be like you. It is not possible!
My heart aches over the loss of you! I will miss you until the day I die!
Your brick at the WW2 Museum in New Orleans will read:
Larry T. Duzal
Larry the Legend
8/16/1949 - 1/7/2014
You will always be with us here on this site. Whenever I write anything here, I will be writing it to you too.
With the greatest admiration and respect and love,