I saw this on the Guardian today - very cool:
And as a special bonus for this post only. . .
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Und Goebbels brüllt ins Mikrofon:
"Wo bleibt Eure Invasion?"
Am 6. Juni um Mitternacht, [On June the 6th the thunder crashed,]
Da hat's geblitzt, da hat's gekracht [in dead of night the lightening flashed,]
Und alle Leute wußten's schon: [And everyone knew right away,]
Zip, zip, di dudela, die Invasion. [it's the invasion that has come today.]
Lastensegler, Fallschirmspringer [The cargo glider, parachute,]
Und noch and're schöne Dinger [And other things were just as cute,]
- Bombenteppich monoton: [- Carpetbombing night and day,]
Zip, zip, di dudela, die Invasion. [it's the invasion that has come today.]
Und auf dem Festland ist man drauf
Und nach Berlin geht jetzt der Lauf.
Berliner Luden hotten schon:
Zip, zip, di dudela, die Invasion.
Offiziere, Helferinnen [While officers their female aide,]
Wälzen sich in weißen Linnen, [between the linen sheets invade,]
Plötzlich ging das Telephon, [The phone rings, forcing a delay:]
Zip, zip, di dudela, die Invasion. [it's the invasion that has come today.]
Die Hitlerjugend, groß und klein,
Die mußten in den Volkssturm rein,
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Soll das die Vergeltung sein?