Dog Tags

I am just throwing this question out to find what I can do with dog tags???...I found a set of dog tags from an uncle that was in the Korean war, he has no family left and no one in my family is interested in war memorabilia. Any suggestions what I can do with them..The reason I am asking is I am not gonna be around forever.


Hi Rick..

You might contact any local or regional  (including county) museums in the area where your uncle lived.  Such places often display (or save) military items from local citizens.  Sometimes local fair grounds also have small displays.  Sometimes, local libraries have small displays as well.

I have quite a bit of material and documents covering my dad's outfit and my uncle's.....and I face the same issue.  I also have a few original WWII unit histories.  I plan to send them to the U.S. Army Historical Center at Carlisle Barracks, PA.  They maintain a large library, and if they have multiple copies, they also loan the books through inter-library loan.  I took advantage of that when I researched my Ph.D thesis.  Unfortunately, local libraries often sell such gifts given the usual space issues such libraries face.





Good advice!

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

I will give our local historical society  and national guard unit a try--Thanks,Rick


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