History of the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment

Afternoon Everyone,


I felt I'd share some knowledge today of the unit I portray which served on all fronts of World War II both in the Mediterranean and European Theatres of Operations. This is the only concise history of the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment anywhere on the internet other than the fact its on our website.


Thank your for your time and enjoy,


Very Respectfully,

Sgt. James Dunigan III

Able Co., U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment

U.S. 3rd Infantry Division(Reenacted)


U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment, U.S. 3rd Infantry Division


Constituted: Spring-Fall 1813

Unit: U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment, U.S. 3rd Infantry Division

Nickname: Friscans

Unit Motto: Our Country, Not Ourselves

Days in Combat: 531

Theatres of Operation: Mediterranean and European

Casualties: 8,308

Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients: 12

Distinguished Service Cross Recipients: 39

Silver Star Recipients: 854

Bronze Star Recipients: 1,068

Legion of Merit Recipients: 29

Soldier's Medal Recipients: 28




Champagne-Marne Defensive

Aisne-Marne Counter Offensive

Meuse-Argonne Offensive



Algeria-French Morocco






Southern France



Central Europe


The lineage of the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment does not begin in 1901 like half of the on-line websites say they were formally commissioned into the U.S. Army. Their beginnings come to light long before, in the Summer of 1813.


The War of 1812


The U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment was formed in North Carolina in the Summer of 1813 to combat the invading English forces both off the shores of North Carolina and, within the state. In the heightening crisis which had already resulted in Washington, D.C. being burned, they were to move to Washington, D.C. shortly thereafter to protect her from further invading forces. In the Summer of 1814, the War of 1812 would draw to a close and, the need for the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment became great and, were retained as one of the Regular Infantry Regiment. Regulars, pertaining to a regiment of career/veteran well-trained soldiers with the intent on making a life of the U.S. Army.


The U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment would miss out on the Mexican War of 1844-1847 but, would be recalled to service for the gathering storm that was to become the War Between The States from 1861-1865. The U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment would be however, redesignated(only for this war)the U.S. 12th Regular Infantry Regiment on May 4th, 1861 by the President. The actual U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment bearing this designation would be a so-called "colored" regiment. The U.S. 12th Infantry Regiment's service record for the War Between The States was:


The War Between The States





Virginia Peninsula, March 1862

Siege of Yorktown, April 4th - May 4th

Seven Days before Richmond, June 25th - July 1st

Battle of Mechanicsville, June 26th

Gaines Mill, June 27th

Turkey Bridge, June 30th

Malvern Hill, July 1st

At Harrison's Landing till August 16th. Movement to Fortress Monroe, then to Centreville, August 16th - 28th

Pope's Campaign in Northern Virginia, August 28th - September 2nd

Battles of Groveton, August 29th

Bull Run, August 30th

Maryland Campaign, September 6th - 22nd

Battle of Antietam, September 16th - 17th

Sheperdstown Ford, September 19th - 20th

At Sharpsburg, Maryland till October 29th.

Kearneysville and Sheperdstown, October 16th - 17th. Movement to Falmouth, Virginia, October 29th - November 19th

Battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia, December 12th - 15th



"Mud March", January 20th - 24th

Chancellorsville Campaign, April 27th - May 6th

Battle of Chancellorsville, May 1st - 5th

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Campaign, June 11th - July 24th

Battle of Gettysburg, July 1st - 3rd

Pursuit of Lee, July 5th - 24th

Moved to New York City, August 16th - 19th(Co.'s "F" and "H", 2nd Battalion, in New York most of July 1863)

Duty in New York till September 14th. Rejoined army in Culpepper, Va., September 22nd

Bristoe Campaign, October 9th - 22nd. Advance to the line of the Rappahannock, November 7th - 8th

Mine Run Campaign, November 26th - December 2nd



Rapidian Campaign: Battles of the Wilderness, May 5th - 7th

Spotsylvania Court House, May 8th - 21st

North Anna River, May 22nd - 26th

On the line, the Pamunkey, May 26th - 28th

Totopotomoy, May 28th - 31st

Cold Harbor, June 1st - 12th

Bethesda Church, June 1st - 3rd

Before Petersburg, June 6th - 18th

Siege of Petersburg, June 6th - November 2nd

Battle of the "Crater", Petersburg, July 30th(in reserve)

Weldon Railroad, August 18th - 21st

Poplar Springs Church, Peebles Farm, September 29th - October 2nd

Boydton Plank Road, Hatchers Run, October 27th - 28th

Moved to New York, November 2nd - 6th

1st Battalion on duty at Elmira, New York and, 2nd Battalion; Fort

Hamilton, New York till July 1865.


After the American War Between The States. The U.S. 12th Regular Infantry Regiment would be deactivated due to a lack of need, the war was over and, the U.S. Army as it always does after war downsizes its land forces. It wouldn't be until thirty-seven years later that the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment would once again; rise from the ashes of the War Between The States.


The Phillipine Insurrection


In 1901, in Logan, Colorado the U.S. Army formally ordered the re-commissioning of the 1st Battalion, U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment. Spanning the rest of the year of 1901 the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment would see itself grow from one battalion to three. Shortly following the formation and commissioning of the entire U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment into active service once again, the far side of the world was in turmoil. An insurrection had occurred in the Phillipine Islands. However, unfortunately for the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment who disembarked from the Presidio for the Phillipines, the insurrection had been quelled by the time of their arrival.


The U.S. 30th Infantry Regiments new task however, was not to embark and go home but, instead their numbers were put to good use building roads all over the southern province of Mindinao. While building many of these roads for the new Phillipine government a few of the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment would contract Malaria and, die from this disease. The U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment would return home however, in the early part of 1909 to the Presidio Fort in San Francisco.


World War I


In 1914, the First World War broke out in Europe primarily between the English, French, Italians, Turks, and the Germans. As far as the U.S. 30th Infanry Regiment was concerned, it was time to keep a close eye out for the word to go to Europe. In 1917, the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment got the word that they’d be heading for the European threatre as part of the American Expeditionary Forces.


The U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment in 1918 would become a part of the U.S. 3rd Infantry Division's 6th Infantry Brigade with the U.S. 38th Infantry Regiment. The U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment would leave Camp Merritt, New Jersey for Hoboken, New Jersey on March 3rd, 1918 and with a brief stop in Liverpool, England arrived in France on April 4th, 1918.On May 30th, the U.S. 30th Infantry and the U.S. 3rd Infantry Division stepped into history being placed in the line on the river Marne.


During the insuing month after reaching the front at the Marne River all units of the U.S. 3rd Infantry Division were hastily busy conducting patrols across the Marne River to their front to gather information on the enemy to their front. On the 14th, of July 1918 the front the U.S. 30th Infantry knew so well would turn into their own personal hell.


The Champagne-Marne Defensive


From June 14th, to July 14th, 1918 the U.S. 30th Infantry's main concern was the building of strong defensive positions along theirfront of the Marne river sector.At midnight on the 14/15th 1918 the bombardment of the U.S. 30th Infantry's positions commenced. At 4 a.m. on the 15th of July, 1918 the German forces began to cross the Marne River under the cover of a smoke screen using a hasitly built pontoon bridge and canvas boats. The men of the U.S. 30th Infantry remained in their dug-out's during the entire preparation fire before the Germans advance commenced against their positions. However, the Germans laid down a barrage on the 30th's position that they thought surely noone could live through and, the moment the german troops crossed the Marne River they encountered heavy resistance the length on the 30th Infantry's lines.


The advancing German troops were attacked from all sides, in some cases, by the 30th Infantry and entire groups were killed or captured. One officer and a handful of men captured over one hundred prisoners. Until he was shot dead. Lt. Kingery literally stood on the banks of the Marne River throwing hand grenades at the enemy boats attempting to cross the river. The enemy were bewildered at such unexpected tactics by 7 a.m. the majority of the fighting was over in the 30th Infantry's sector. There was intermittent fighting throughout the entire day, largely with small groups of Germans that had infiltrated their lines and which were quickly attacked and repulsed. On the night of the 15th/16th of July the 30th Infantry reestablished their line along the Marne River. The French on the right of the 38th Infantry launched a counteroffensive to assist the 38th Infantry. It yielded little results. On the morning of the 18th of July the 30th Infantry received a massive bombardment on their position which rivaled the bombardment of the 15th. On July 19th, the 11th Infantry relieved the 30th on the line facing the Marne River. The losses of the 30th Infantry in officers, men, and animals was very heavy, not from the infantry attack but, from the preparation fire. It was for this stand that the 30th Infantry was decorated on January 3rd, 1919, by the French with the Croix de Guerre with Palm, with the following citation:


"An old regiment of the American Army, which, under the energetic and able command of its chief, Colonel E.L. Butts, showed itself faithful to its traditions in sustaining the principal shock of the German attack of the 15th July 1918 on the front of the Corps to which it was attached. Under a most violent bombardment which caused heavy losses, it held in spite of all the enemy assualt, and reestablished integrally, its positions, taking more than two hundred prisoners."


The casualties sustained by the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment for the Champagne-Marne Defensive are as follows:


25 officers and 1,400 men


The Aisne-Marne Counteroffensive


On the night of July 22nd, the 30th Infantry after having been resupplied with new men and equipment was ordered to support the 38th Infantry which had crossed the Marne River into Mezy. The French were on the right and the 4th Infantry was on the left. The 30th Infantry arrived in Mezy at 1 p.m. on the 23rd of July. At 6 p.m. on the 23rd were ordered to relieve the 38th Infantry during the night. On the evening of the 23rd, 700 replacements reached Charteves. However, only those assigned to the 3rd battalion (about 250) saw action.


During the night of the 23rd/24th an advance along the lines of the 30th Infantry was ordered to take place in the morning. Six companies advanced Northeast above Jaulgonne, taking Franquate Farm and reaching the Bois de Le Charmel, where they dug in. They suffered heavy casualties during an artillery barrage during their advance and while in the Bois de Le Charmel. The six companies advanced slowly through the Foret de Ris, North of Barzy-Sur-Marne, meeting severe machine gun and artillery fire finally reaching the ravine just South of Le Charmel Chateau on July 25th. During the night of the July 25th/26th the 4th Infantry entered Le Charmel and the established a connection with the French on the right of the 30th Infantry. No further objectives remained for the 30th Infantry. On the evening of July 28th, the 30th Infantry was subsequently withdrawn to the St. Eugene area.


The casualties sustained by the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment during the Aisne-Marne Offensive are as follows:


12 officers and 700 men


An attack on the 7th of August was conducted to create a bridgehead across the Vesle River between Fismes and Villette. However, the attack on the 7th was unsuccessful due to insufficent artillery preparation. An intense enemy barrage of high explosives and gas shells together with machine gun fire from numerous nests protected by barb wire and natural obstacles of the Vesle River and the swamps adjacent. On the 9th of August the 30th Infantry was to be relieved but, the order was countermanded. The 30th Infantry was to attack across the Vesle to establish a bridgehead on the morning of the 10th of August. During the advance a battalion of the 38th Infantry was to support the 30th Infantry by advancing to the railroad. However, as this was occurring part of the battalion was caught in a violent counter barrage from the Germans which almost annihilated them. Part of the battalion made it through finding only one bridge that was serviceable. The bridge was strongly covered by German machine guns. After repeated attempts to cross the bridge which was so narrow that it only allowed men to cross in singe file only, the venture was given up but not until an 8 to 10 men patrol succeeded in gaining a foothold on the opposite side of the river. The 30th Infantry was relieved on the afternoon of the 10th of August.


The extended number of casualties sustained by the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment during the Aisne-Marne Offensive are as follows:


3 officers and 500 men


The St. Mihiel Offensive


The U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment was held in reserve during the the St. Mihiel Offensive therefore sustaining no casualties.


The Meuse-Argonne Offensive


On the 26th of September the big allied offensive started, with the U.S. 3rd Infantry Division in 3rd Corps reserve. At 2 a.m. on September 29th, the 30th Infantry moved to the Bois de Montfaucon. On the morning of October 3rd, the 30th Infantry rushed the Southern edge of the Bois de Beuge in support of the 4th Infantry, which occupied the Northern edge of the same woods. When the regiment moved into this position, the woods and area for a kilometer in the rear of it, were being heavily shelled, which resulted in heavy casualties to the regiment. The Regiment was quickly placed into position in a trench along the Southern edge of the woods. The men quickly dug in and were comparatively safe. The 30th Infantry Regiment would remain in this position for next five days and each day suffered a number of casualties. On October 8th, the 30th Infantry Regiment relieved the 4th Infantry in he front line position. Once in position the 30th Infantry established their lines with the U.S. 80th Infantry Division on their right and the 38th Infantry on their left. On the morning of October 9th at 9:12 a.m. the 30th Infantry attacked the Bois de Cunel. All the preparations were made to have a smoke screen obsure the view of the enemy to conceal the 30th Infantry's attack between the Bois de Cunel and a small patch of woods just South of it. However, on the morning of the 9th a heavy fog hung over the engagement area.


Under the cover of smoke and fog the 30th Infantry commenced its attack. The 30th Infantry wasn't discovered until they were almost to the Bois de Cunel. When they were discovered by the Germans their machine gunners poured heavy fire into their ranks. The 30th's advance progressed steadily in spite of heavy resistance and continuous artillery bombardment. The Madeleine Farm was a German strongpoint not in the 30th's sector, however, the machine gunners from the farm were inflicting heavy casualties on the 30th's advance. "E" and "F" Companies were assigned immediately to reduce the farm. "E" and "F" Companies did so quickly with heavy losses and capturing a large number of prisoners in the process. The same day the entire Bois de Cunel was taken and the 30th's line were reestablished in the Northern edge of the woods.


On the 10th of October, the 30th Infantry attacked the trench lines just North of Bois de Cunel. The 30th Infantry encounterd heavy artillery fire and stubborn resistance from machine gunners. The 30th Infantry in this attack sustained heavy losses ,but took and held the trenches. The Germans on the morning of the 11th of October launched a mild counter-attack which was easily repulsed. In this action the Regiment was assisted by the 7th Infantry, which had been attached to the 6th Brigade and had been assigned by the brigade commander to the 30th Infantry sector. The 7th Infantry would remain in this sector with the 30th Infantry and cooperate with the 30th Infantry until the brigade was withdrawn. It was also during this time on the line for the 30th and 7th Infantry's that artillery fire was almost incessant.


On October 14th, assisted by the 7th Infantry the 30th Infantry made its attack on the Bois de Pultiere and some of the 30th and 7th Infantry's units advanced to it's Northern edge. It was also here that the 30th Infantry encountered once again heavy resistance and sustained heavy casualties. On the afternoon of the 15th of October the German artillery placed a heavy rolling barrage on the Bois de Pultiere, but no counter-attack was launched. On the night of the 15th/16th of October the Regiment numbering some 400 men, was relieved by part of the 5th Brigade and marched from its position in the immediate vicinity of Cunel to just South of Montfaucon. When a muster of the Regiment was held on the morning of the 16th, it was found that a mere skeleton of the Unit remained. "E" Company was in command of a Corporal, while a Sergeant commanded "F" Company. There were no majors, no captains and only two 1st lieutenants. Ten companies were in command of 2nd lieutenants. On October 16th/17th and 18th, the men slept...etc. and got what rest they could.


On the night of the 18th/19th of October the Regiment took up a front line position along the Eastern front of Bois de Le Cote Lemont, relieveing part of the 4th Infantry Division. Two battalions of the 30th Infantry were assigned to assist the 38th Infantry to help cleaning out the Western half of the Bois de Foret. The two detached battalion of the 30th would remain in that area patrolling and mopping up until the night of the 26th/27 of October when they rejoined the other Units of the Regiment just South of Septsarges. From the 22nd to the 27th of October the 1st battalion of the 30th Infantry maintained the original position of the Regiment in the Bois de Le Cote Lemont in direct connecion with the 105th Colonial(French Intantry on the Meuse River holding the right flank and the 38th Infantry on the left flank. On the 26th of October the 1st battalion was relieved and sent to Sptsarges to rejoin the rest of the Regiment. On November 2nd the 30th Infantry Regiment embarked on trucks for Stainville, France thus ending their combat actions in the First World War, the war would end nine days later on the 11th of November 1918.


The casualties sustained by the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment during the Meuse-Argonne Offensive are as follows:


48 officers and 1,438 men


In 1919, the U.S. 30th Infantry would conclude its occupation duties in Germany and be sent home to the Presidio. The U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment would remain at the Presidio from 1919 to late 1941. In the years following the First World War the citizens of San Francisco would come to view the 30th Infantry as a part of their community and dub them the "Friscans." The 30th Infantry would remain there until December 1941. However, in the intermittent years between the World Wars the U.S. 30th Infantry would participate with the U.S. 2nd Marine Division out of Camp Pendleton, California, in numerous amphibious maneuvers quite frequently under the jurisdiction of the Pacific Amphibous Corps. The 30th Infantry would become the overall experts within the U.S. Army on how to properly conduct amphibious tactics and procedures. However, on December, 7th, 1941 the world as the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment knew it was about to change.


World War II


With the attack on Pearl Harbor still fresh in their minds the 30th Infantry Regiment geared up for a move. By May of 1942 the 30th Infantry had moved back and forth from the Presidio to Fort Lewis, Washington several times. However, this time it was for good. In May 1942, the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment moved to Fort Ord, California for manuvers. After a short stay at Fort Ord, in mid-September 1942 the 30th Infantry boarded a Southern Pacific train for the east coast. The U.S. 3rd Infantry Division would be placed as the lead element for the Invasion of French occupied North Africa. The 30th Infantry was sure they'd be going to the Pacific, however they needed the best for the most important invasion in the war. Operation Torch would start the long road back toward freedom for Europe, freedom from German tyranny and push the Germans back their captial of Berlin. The U.S. 30th Infantry would be stationed at Camp Pickett, Virginia for further manuvers. On October 23rd, 1942, the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment and the rest of the U.S. 3rd Infantry Division embarked heavy-laden troop transports for North Africa. During the trip across the 30th Infantry and a small detachment of Marines trained the other infantry divisions on how to conduct proper amphibious tactics and procedures.


Operation Torch: The Invasion of French North Africa


On the morning of November 8th, 1942 the U.S. 3rd Infantry Division in the Western Forces under Gen. George S. Patton, Jr., invaded the French North African beaches at Fedela. The U.S. 30th Infantry came on shore quickly secured the left flank of the division on November 8th and silencing Fort Blondin in the process which had been firing on the naval forces lying off the Moroccan coast. By November 11th the 30th Infantry and the 3rd Infantry Division had secured Casablanca.


As the rest of the U.S. 3rd Infantry Division moved off to the West following the contingency of the U.S. II Corps. and the U.S. 7th Army under Patton. The 3rd Battalion, U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment stayed behind as the personal guard detail for English Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill and U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt during what was to become the Casablanca Conference in January 1943. The remainder of the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment would guard the Spanish-Moroccan border against German attacks. The U.S. 30th Infantry also established motor, rail and air patrols over the area while "D" and "I" companies of the 30th Infantry were sent off to the U.S. 5th Army Invasion Training Center and the Mountain Training Center School as instructors from January-March 1943. However, as the reserve for the U.S. II Corps. under Gen. Patton the U.S. 3rd Infantry Division would gain a new commander Maj. Gen. Lucian K. Truscott.


Under Truscott the U.S. 3rd Infantry Division would receive a new doctorine which to conduct their operations under, called the "Truscott Trot." Only the best and finest soldiers would be chosen for Truscott's U.S. 3rd Infantry Division. Should any man not meet up to Trusott's doctorine he would be replaced with a better man from another division. By the end of the North African campaign the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment would have a new commander, be part of the new VI Corps. with the 2nd Armored Division and, have lost some of its best trained soldiers to reinforce some of the other units in theatre that we suffering due to losses in experienced soldiers. Only Able Co., of the 1st Battalion, and Item Co., of the 3rd Battalion would be left as they had started the war.


However, shortly, after the U.S. 3rd Infantry Division arrived in Bizerte, Tunisia the 30th Infantry Regiment caught up and, they began retraining the U.S. 7th and 15th Infantry Regiments in the art of amphibious tactics. The 30th Infantry Regiment would have less than four months to train up the other regiments and battalions of the division before their invasion into Sicily.


Operation Husky: The Invasion of Sicily


On July 10th, 1943 as a part of the "Joss" Force invading Sicily during "Operation Husky," the U.S. 30th Infantry would land on "Blue" beach between the Sicilian cities of Licata and Gela. Within three hours of landing the 30th Infantry and the contingency of the "Joss" Force had captured all of their D+3 objectives. Agrigento was taken quickly within those three hours with a small 1st Ranger Battalion force in support. After which Task Force Fargo which was an armored force captured Gela, 553 prisoners, destroyed three 75mm artillery implacements and contacted Gen. George S. Patton. Shortly, after Agrigento and Gela fell the 30th Infantry moved off at the quick step toward Palermo. After Racalmuto, the 3rd Battalion, U.S. 30th Infantry made the all time record breaking march(still held today) of 54 miles in 33 hours.


Ten days later on July 20, 1943, the U.S. 30th Infantry captured San Stefano Quisquina in its first major action in Sicily, capturing with it 750 prisoners. On the 22nd of July 1943 Palermo would fall to the "Joss" Force under Gen. George S. Patton and the U.S. 3rd Infantry Division. The regiment would reassemble at Trabia south-southeast of Palermo on the "Coast Road" to Messina. As they assembled the U.S. 3rd Infantry Division would leave the U.S. 2nd Armored Division to mop up those forces cut off in western Sicily. The U.S. 30th Infantry would take the lead and, begin its march toward Messina. On July 30th, the U.S. 30th Infantry was to relieved the U.S. 45th Inf. Division at Caronia. However, at the time the U.S. 157th Infantry had run into stubborn German resistance. Early in the morning of the 31st all three battalions of the U.S. 30th Infantry were to concentrate on and around the city limits of Caronia. The 3rd Battalion was to move to the right of the 2nd Battalion that was to shoulder the city from the west in its advance the 1st Battalion was to be on the extreme right flank and to advance opposite the city and cut off the road lead out of Caronia. In the first part of the advance contact with the U.S. 179th Infantry of the U.S. 45th Inf. Division was achieved.


Due to poor terrain the 2nd Battalion hadn't made it as far as the 3rd Battalion, the 2nd Battalion was suppose to be the main frontal attacking force. However, the 3rd Battalion had achieved in their advance nineteen miles and, the task was turned over to 3rd Battalion. With Co. K in the advance guard position the 3rd Battalion made their attack. As the advance eements neared the city they were greeted with heavy artillery, mortar, machine-gun, and small arms fire. Eight men were killed instantly when the Germans initally opened up on the advanced guard element. Co. L advanced around Co. K through a high density minefield and entered the City of Caronia at midday. The 1st Battalion after four hours of steady marching finally made contact with elements of the 2nd Battalion and, in the process had captured three prisoners. With orders dropped by Cub-Scout plane the 1st Battalion was ordered by Gen. Truscott to continue their advance to the east toward Highway 113 where Co. L was later contacted. In their advance to the east the 1st Battalion had captured 39 more prisoners.


WIth the 1st Battalion to the east of Caronia the 1st Battalion received its first rations in 56 hours, twelve boxes of K Rations. The exhausted 1st Battalion was 15 minutes later relieved by the 15th Infantry and the 1st Battalion was sent back to the Caronia area. On August 8th, 1943 the 2nd Battalion attempted to conduct an amphibious landing behind the German 29th Panzer Grenadier Div.at San Agata. The 1st and 3rd Battalions were to advance, help cut off and capture the majority of the 29th Pz. Gren. Div. however, due to the poor terrain the 2nd Battalion could not stop the entire contingency of the division. Three days later on the 11th of August the 2nd Battalion attempted again to conduct another "end run" to cut off the remnants of the 29th Panzer Grenadier Div. however, terrain proved to be problem once again and, by 0130 on the 12th of August, Brolo was declared secure. While many prisoners were taken by the 2nd Battalion and a few by the 1st and 3rd Battalions the larger contingency of the 29 Pz. Gren. Div. would fall back to the City of Messina and, be evacuated to the Italian mainland shortly thereafter. On the morning of August 17th, the U.S. 7th Infantry now carrying the load of the advance for the U.S. 3rd Infantry Division captured the City of Messina. The U.S. 30th Infantry was placed in to bivouac on the northeastern most tip of Sicily. During later preliminary mop efforts in the 1st and 3rd Battalion sectors they found oil and fuel dumps and, captured another 130 prisoners and, outside the City of Castena the 1st Battalion found an underground ammunition dump. Sicily had fallen to the allies and, during the U.S. 30th Infantry's advance on the island had fought over 210 miles of some of the roughest terrain in the Mediterranean Theatre of Operations. Now the U.S. 30th Infantry would have their newest and biggest challenge yet, the Invasion of Italy.


The casualties sustained by the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment during Operation Husky: The Invasion of Sicily are as follows:


Casualties: 406

Killed: 115 (including 7 Officers)

Wounded: 251 Enlisted, 16 Officers

Missing In Action: 24 Enlisted


Operation Avalanche: The Invasion of Southern Italy


On September 9th, 1943, the British 8th Army landed on the Southern heel of Italy and started the move toward Rome. Seven days later on the 16th of September 1943 the British X Corp. with the US II Corp. of the American 5th Army consisting of the US 34th Infantry, 36th Infantry, and 82nd Airborne Divisions. Italy was ready to capitulate and join the allies in the fight. However, the defense in and around the landing beaches at Salerno near Naples was heavily defended. The beachhead was fought for bitterly between the allied and axis units almost till a stalemate. However, on the 18th of September the US VI Corp. of the American 5th Army landed three more divisions, the US 3rd Infantry, 45th Infantry, and 1st Armored Divisions futher to the south near Paestum and Battipaglia. By the 20th of September the US VI Corp. had made more head way than the US II Corp. in the area. These three divisions became the lead divisions. The US 3rd Infantry Division's, US 30th Infantry captured Acerno by the advance of the bayonet by the 22nd of September. In the process the Hermman Goring Panzer Reconnaissance Battalion narrowly escaped total destruction. During their retreat, the bridges to the north of Acerno were blown and the US 10th Engineers came forward and constructed foot bridges for the Infantry to continue the advance. Hill by hill the 30th Infantry advanced toward Rome.


The next objective was Avellino and from there they quickly moved northward through the hills. They took them one by one. However, their first major trial by fire came at the Triflisco Gap near Capua. During their push northward the British X Corp. with the American 5th Army had by this time taken Naples(which by this time was now a rest area for the frontline units)and quickly advanced northward securing the US 3rd Divisions left flank while the US 34th Division secured the right flank. The Triflisco Gap proved daunting, since all the bridges crossing the Voltuno River were blown. So, if there was going to be an attack it was going to be made across the Volturno. There was no hope of flanking in the US 3rd Divisions sector because the gap had to be taken and the only way to take the hill to their front was only by frontal assault. Consecutive attacks by the British X Corp. near Capua to the west and by the Americans in their sectors had all failed to capture the primary objectives. On October 13th a new assault began, the US 7th and 15th Infantry were the lead elements with the 30th Infantry in reserve. This attack was to be continous once it began. As the leading elements opened a slot in the German defenses the 30th Infantry pushed through and advance on to take the primary objective. Once on top of the main objective in the Triflisco Gap the Germans quickly captiulated, they pulled back, leaving in the process small units within small towns and cities to fight a defensive retreat to buy time for the main body of the German Army in the region to pull back to their next line of defenses the "Barbara Line." The 30th Infantry became the lead element of the US 3rd Division on the way to the next objective in Southern Italy.


With the 30th Infantry in the lead, on the 16th of October, the town of Formicola fell quickly and they began the process of again taking each hill one at a time. The next objective was Pietravairano on the 26th of October the 30th Infantry moved around and attacked Mount St. Nicola to the east of Pietravairano took the town of Pietravairano. However, the town could not be occupied on the 27th of October for the entire town was heavily booby trapped by the retreating German Army. It wasn't till the 28th of October the the town was secured. On Novemebr 1st, a patrol was sent out to the town of Presenzano, once in position, they radioed back troop positions and movements to the leading elements of the 30th Infantry heading toward Presenzano. On November 3rd with the Germans quickly pulling back, the lead elements set up a base of operations within the town of Presenzano, the town had fallen largely due to the bravery of those in the patrol.


The next objective was to be Mignano, a key city guarding the road to Cassino and eventually Rome. However, a couple of obstacles had to be neutralized before any attempt on Mignano could be made. The first objective would be on a small mountain top village called Cannavinelle and the coinsiding Mt. Rotundo which was heavily fortified. Visualizing a frontal attack failure Col. Bernard of the 2nd Battalion, 30th Infantry suggested an attack from the rear. All of the ground to the south and east of Mt. Rotundo was coverd by mines, barb wire, and machine-gun fire. On the evening of November 6th, the 2nd Battalion, 30th Infantry moved out moving around and behind Mt. Cesima which was quickly secured by the 15th Infantry in the early stages of the attack. The 2nd Battalion, 30th Infantry encountered some small skirmishes but, they moved forward toward Cannavinelle the small number of German troops in Cannavinelle were quickly overrun. Once at the top the 1st Battalion secured their position and held their ground. Now the 2nd Battalion with support on their right from the 3rd Battalion would sweep down the hill and take Mt. Rotundo. Sweeping down the hill the 2nd Battalion made progress but, with mounting casualties due to all of the obstacles the 2nd Battalion pulled back. The next day the 2nd Battalion would try again. The 2nd Battalion tried again in the early moring hours but, was repulsed due to decreased man power. The 2nd and 3rd Battalions tried the attack together in a coordinated attack later that day and succeeded. However, shortly after reaching the top they come under heavy German counter-attacks of 20 and 30 man rushes and, they held. During the actions of November 8th the 1st Battalion was counter-attacked three times that day in their positions. For the next three days elements of the 30th Infantry fought off continued German counter-attacks until the Germans pulled back and gave up the town of Mignano for good. From November 14th-17th the US 30th Infantry continued patrolling the area around Mignano until they were relieved by elements US 143rd Infantry of the US 36th Infantry Division.


The casualties sustained by the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment during Operation Avalanche: The Invasion of Southern Italy are as follows:


Casualties: 975

Killed: 256 (including 13 Officers)

Wounded: 644 Enlisted, 31 Officers

Missing In Action: 44 Enlisted



Operation Shingle: The Invasion of Anzio/Nettuno


After two months off the line in and around the Naples area for rest and recuperation. The 30th Infanty was ready for their next assignment. This assignment, which was to be an "end run" to cutoff the retreating German forces from the Gustav Line and eventually capture Rome, would turn out to be their longest and toughest of the war. While off the line the 30th Infantry acquired new uniforms and new recruits to teach and take to war. On January 22nd, 1944 Operation "Shingle" commenced. It was under the command of Gen. John P. Lucas commander of the VI Corp. under the US 5th Army. Landing beside them were the 1st, 3rd, and 4th Ranger Battalions with the 1st Special Service Force, the British 1st Infantry Division was to land beyond them on the left flank of the invasion forces north of Anzio/Nettuno. Once on the beachhead, the landing forces moved quickly in land. However, Gen. Lucas ordered all units to halt their advance and the order to consolidate the beachhead was given. The allied landing forces had clearly caught the Germans off guard in the region with this behind the lines landing. However, Gen. Lucas's delay gave the Germans time to consolidate a ring of concealed entrenchments around the beachhead. At the same time the landings were to take place the US 5th Army was going to breakthrough the Gustav Line and proceed to the Anzio/Nettuno beachhead and link up for the drive onto Rome, 40 miles to the north of Anzio. However, the attempt to break through failed and the beachhead had been compromised.


On the 29th of January the 1st, 3rd and 4th Ranger Battalions would advance under the cover of darkness to the town of Cisterna di Loritta. US Army Intelligence had reported only a small defensive force in the town. However, unbeknownst to the Rangers, there was a German parachute regiment inside of the town with full artillery and armored support. During the same time the 30th Infantry to rear of the Rangers had a picturesque view of their advance the 15th Infantry would attack on the left and the 30th Infantry would attack on the right. As the Rangers advanced the 1st and 3rd Battalions attacked to the front with the 4th Battalion advancing on their right and to the rear but, as the Ranger reached 800 yards or so from the town they came under machine gun fire and at 400 yards they were encircled quickly by forces of the 362nd, 1st Para, 71st Infantrie Divisions. Also on the 29th of January the 15th Infantry had advanced with the Rangers during the attack which they were not permitted to do. During the ensuing fiasco two companies of the 504th Parachute Infanty came forward and gave supressing fire for the 4th Ranger Battalion to allow them to retreat successfully. On the 30th of January the 4th Rangers tried to breakthrough to the other Ranger Battalions but, was stopped by the armored forces in the area. The 15th Infantry pushed through the 4th Rangers and moved forward to capture a key crossroads but, with casualties mounting they too were halted by the same armored force shortly thereafter. Later that afternoon the last vestages of the 1st and 3rd Rangers were mopped up by the encircling German forces and all but, six became POW's.


On the 31st of January the attack on Cisterna continued however, stiff resistance stopped the 3rd Battalion 30th Infantry, the forward most element in the attack. Around Cisterna during the engagement were a host of units from 71st Infanterie, 114th Jager, 356th Infanterie, and Herrman Goring Divisions. The 30th Infantry consolidated it positions near Cisterna and held their ground until ordered back within the 3rd Divisions defensive perimeter. On February 16th, elements, mainly those of the Herrman Goring Division attempted to push through the US 3rd Divisions sector and reach the beachhead. This attack was a grave mistake on the Germans part, as they felt that the Americans in their positions knew they were in a hopeless position and the Germans believed they would give up. However, they should have known better with the 3rd Infantry Division to their front. Also by this time the beachheads face had changed. The British 1st Division after suffering numerous casualties on their front, were relieved by the British 5th Division, also, the 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion, and US 45th Infantry Division had been brought ashore to reinforce the American side of the beachhead. As the Germans attacked within the division's sector they went head-to-head with the US 3rd Division all along their front at one point briefly breaching the divisions perimeter between elements of the 15th Infantry and 504th Parachute Infantry. However, by 4 p.m. that day they had reestablished the perimeter between the two units by bringing up into the line the 3rd Battalion 15th Infantry.


The Germans would attempt again on the 29th of February to try and breakthrough the US 3rd Divisions sector to reach their headquarter at Le Ferriere. During the attack the following units were to take part, 29th Panzer Grenadier, 114th Jager, 362nd Infanterie(a new division), 715th Infanterie(a new division) and the Herrman Goring Divisions. The Herrman Goring was to be the main thrusting force in the attack. On both ends of the engagement the casualties mounted this being the fiercest engagement within the US 3rd Divisions sector since they landed. however, by March 3rd the US 3rd Infantry Division including the 30th Infantry had held the line and refused the Germans the beachhead and destroyed a large quantity of their armored forces surrounding the beachhead. With this loss, Gen. Kesselring lost his chance forever, to destroy the Anzio beachhead. From March 4th to April 23rd, the beachhead fell into a stalemate. On April 23-24th, the 30th Infantry launched two operations to gain ground in their area for field artillery observation purposes. They were nicknamed Operation "Mr. Black and Mr. Green." The 1st Battalion would be the assault force for operation "Mr. Black" and the 3rd Battalion, 30th Infantry the assault force for operation "Mr. Green." Both were successful achieving their intended objectives. During Operation "Mr. Black" a young Pfc. John Squires went above and beyond the call of duty to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor for his actions during the engagement. Pfc. John C. Squires held off three German counterattacks using an assortment of German and American weapons. Unfortunately during a subsequent action Pfc. John Squires was killed in action before he could receive his Congressional Medal of Honor.


The situation on the beachhead continued with light actions, poking and probing for weaknesses in the German defenses. Finally after over five months on the beachhead, the time to break out had arrived. The numbers had turned in favor of the allies, Along with the British 5th Division, US 3rd and 45th Divisions, the US 85th, 88th Infantry, and 1st Armored Divisions had been landed. The breakout began with allied air forces carpet bombing the positions to the divisions front. The 30th Infantry Regiment quickly moved through the German defenses to the west of Cisterna and moved on to capture Cori on the May 25th. The 30th Infantry continued on and in the next couple of days had captured the towns of Roccamassima and Guiglianello. By June 3rd the 30th Infantry had moved forwad in the center leading the way to capture to other towns of Lariano, Valmontone, and Cava. From there the 30th Infantry turned toward Rome. The 7th Infantry was the first element into the city supported by the 1st Special Service Force. On June 5th, 1944 the city of Rome was captured by the allied armies in Italy. However, the very next day, Operation "Overlord" overshadowed this achievement and it faded into history as just another accomplishment of World War II. The U.S. 30th Infantry until August 8th would garrison and continue patrols to the north of Rome until they were relieved and moved back to Naples.


The casualties sustained by the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment during Operation Shingle: The Invasion of Anzio/Nettuno are as follows:


Casualties: 2,851

Killed: 679 Enlisted, 32 Officers

Wounded: 1,875 Enlisted, 83 Officers

Missing In Action: 173 Enlisted, 9 Officers


During the time span between January 22nd to June 5th, 1944, six Congressional Medals of Honor were awarded; accounting for half of all U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment Congressional Medal of Honor recipents.


Operation Anvil: The Invasion of Southern France


For the sixth time of World War Two the U.S. 30th Infantry would be making an amphibious landing on a hostile shore. This time the target area was the French Riviera region of Southern France. With the allied landings in Normandy, the American and British forces to the north were quickly blazing a path through the north and central regions of France. The Southern France invasion would be a completion of the invasion process clearing out the enemy forces guarding the approaches into France from the South. Once the invasion had succeeded they were to push northward linking up with the allied froces coming from Normandy and become one combined front pushing the German forces back toward the German border.


On August 14th the invasion force consisting of the VI Corps. with the US 3rd, 36th, and 45th Infantry Divisions were assembled and embarked from Naples harbor. A vast column of transports and support ships steamed toward the coast of Southern France. The invasion force had an unsuspecting visitor to see them off and wishing them luck, riding by holding up his hand displaying a "V" for victory it was none other than the Prime Minister of England himself Winston S. Churchill. On August 15th, the invasion force arrived off the coast of Southern France and they disembarked for the beach. The US 3rd Infantry Division would land with the 7th and 15th Infantry's in the region of St. Tropez and La Croix, with the 30th Infantry behind the 7th to push through their lines and to capture and hold a key bridge across the La Mole River. The US 36th Infantry Division would be attacking on the left flank of the 3rd and the US 45th Infantry Division would secure Marseille and attack on the right flank of the 3rd. As the division moved inland the casualties and resistance of the enemy was light. A fiercer resistance was expected from the enemy. However, as the hundreds of prisoners came back to the rear it was found that the forces opposing the beachhead area had been a conglimerate of different nationalitied soldiers most of them captured and put into service by the Germans. Most of the soldiers came from their earlier campaigns during the war. On the divisions move inland once again the 30th Infantry became the lead element of the division. On August 18th, the 2nd Battalion, 30th Infantry coordinated an attack on the city of Brignoles, the 2nd Battalion, attacked straight into the city with the 3rd Battalion, 30th Infantry attacking to the north of the town with the 3rd Battalion of the 15th to the south of Brignoles. By the 19th, the city of Brignoles was secured and in 30th Infantry hands.


As the 30th Infantry moved northward the next obstacle would come at Aix. On August 20th, the 30th Infantry moved into position to attack Aix. However, with such a small force opposing them they decided to envelop the force. They did so by the 21st of August and the force within the city of Aix capitulated there were stiff counterattacks by bicycle troops aswell as German armored elements but, the 30th Infantry held. A few days later on August 27th, with the 15th Infantry moving up from the south the 7th and 30th Infantry's moved toward Montelimar. From the east they pushed what little resistance was there in their strongholds out. The large majority of the attack moving toward Montelimar was on the 15th Infantry's southerly route. Earlier the 36th Infantry Division had cut the road north of Montelimar and the retreat of the enemy had been effectively cut off. A great deal of carnage was done to these forces as they attempted to retreat. The fight into Montelimar would fall onto the 30th Infantry. The small pockets of resistance were cleared out by the 36th Division, however, pockets still remained in Montelimar. The 30th infantry attacked straight into the city and began the process of clearing out the enemy. On August 29th, the town was declared secured, and the move north continued. The advance after Montelimar moved quickly, the 30th Infantry moving northward captured the city of Chambery and with its capitulation the 30th Infantry moved through the town of Lons-Le-Saunier on their advance northward. The next objective that stood in the 30th Infantry's way was the city of Besancon.


On September 5th, the 30 Infantry came upon the city of Besancon. Its strategic value was important in the drive northward as it was a vital railroad and communication hub for the enemy in the region. The 30th Infantry along with 7th Infantry were advancing abreast of each other and commenced the attack the same day. The 1st and 3rd Battalion, 30th Infantry attacked into the city from the east and southeast, while the 2nd Battalion, 30th Infantry held a key road junction to the east of the city. The 15th Infantry's objective was two key hills on the southeastern side of the city, they were to capture and hold those two hills. The 7th Infantry would make the main assault. 1st Battalion, 7th Infantry moved across the Doubs River and flanked around the city to the north, by doing this they cut the main axis of retreat for the enemy in the city. The 2nd Battalion, 7th Infantry moved across the Doubs River likewise and captured two key hills just to the south of the city on the north side of the Doub River. From there they attacked down hill through the southern part of the city and set up a defensive area just beyond. The 3rd Battalion, 7th Infantry attacked into the center of the city "E" Co. of the 2nd Battalion, 7th and "C" Co. of the 1st Battalion, 30th Infantry's were detailed to clear out all remaining pockets of resistance within the city and by the 8th of September Besancon was declared captured and secured.


As the drive continued, on September 10th, the 7th Infantry commenced the attack on the city of Vesoul from south of the city. The objectives were the road nets to the north of the town which were being stubbornly defended. As the 7th Infantry attacked to clean out the defenders north of Vesoul the 3rd Battalion, 30th Infantry attacked toward Presle. The defenders put up such resistance that the 3rd Battalion, 30th called in both the 1st and 2nd Battalions to cut off and surround the city to capture it. In the main attack into the city of Vesoul the 15th Infanty took the lead of the advance and commenced the fight into the city of Vesoul. It was eventually, captured on September 12th, by elements of the 15th and two battalions of the 36th Division.


The casualties sustained by the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment during Operation Anvil: The Invasion of Southern France are as follows:


Casualties: 457

Killed: 90 Enlisted, 5 Officers

Wounded: 332 Enlisted, 13 Officers

Missing In Action: 17 Enlisted



The Vosges


As the drive continued to the north the 30th Infantry found itself on the right of the advance through the Vosges Mountains. Throughout history it had been known that no army ever crossed the Vosges in the face of determined resistance. However, the 30th Infantry knew that it could be done and they along with the division would be the ones that would prove it.


On September 17th, the 3rd battalion attacked and captured Raddon in a quick thrust into and through the city. On September 24th, the 30th Infantry attacked and secured the small mountain town of Chateau Lambert from there they threatened to clear the south bank of the Moselle River. The town of Remiremont was situated in a valley and by September 27th, the town was captured and secured without a fight. Within the next three weeks the 30th Infantry had pushed northward against stiff resistance, hill by hill and mountain by mountain Le Tholy was captured by the 30th Infantry on October 10th they pushed on toward St. Die and the Meuthre River. Throughout the vosges campaign while the regiment proceeded northward they continuously kept patrols out on the flanks searching for the enemy. The 30th Infantry and the 3rd Division forsaw the only way to have complete and total victory over the Germans in the region was to flush them out of their positions and theaten them with attempts of being cut off from help, with this notion in their minds they wouldn't stand and fight. On October 24th, the push for St. Die began with the 30th Infantry acting as the lead element toward the objective. The 1st Battalion took the northern route securing the left of the advance, the 2nd Battalion on the southern route guarding the right, with the 3rd Battalion in the center. The regiment contended with more roadblocks than with the enemy as they neared St. Die and Meuthre. On November 9th, as the 30th Infantry pushed closer to the city the German defenders attempted vicious counterattacks all along the 30th Infantry's front however, the 30th Infantry beat back all of their attempts and captured and secured the city of St. Die by the next day.


Nine days later the 1st Battalion with the Germans in full retreat back to their border crossed the Meuthre River and although the Germans put up stiff resistance all morning of the 19th, they quickly capture the city of Clairefontaine. With the citys capture this allowed the 2nd and 3rd Battalions, of the 30th Infantry to race for Strasbourg and keep the pace going to the German border. On November 25th, the 2nd Battalion broke the German resistance in the region around Grendelbruch and it allows the 1st and 3rd Battalions to leap-frog ahead toward Starbourg. By December 5th, the 30th Infantry and the 3rd Division were in the city of Starsbourg. Shortly after the capture of Strasbourg the 30th Infantry and the 3rd Infantry Division were reassigned to the front facing the Colmar Pocket. On their drive to Strasbourg they had cut the German front lines in two portions, the Germans had forces contained in the Alsace region and in the Colmar region of France. All that was left was to mop them up.


The casualties sustained by the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment during the Vosges Mountain Campaign are as follows:


Casualties: 1,702

Killed: 349 Enlisted, 18 Officers

Wounded: 1,216 Enlisted, 45 Officers

Missing In Action: 74 Enlisted



The Colmar Pocket


After spending a few days on the move the 30th Infantry arrives in the Colmar area on December 15th, 1944. The 2nd and 3rd Battalions in lead, with the 1st Battalion following the 3rd Battalion code named " Task Force McGarr" proceed through the mountains and through the Bonhomme Pass and on to capture the city of Kayserberg by December 20th. The assault through the mountains was a necessary attack to free the area of cut off German forces within the salient that could have hindered further portions of eventual attack into the Colmar Pocket. From December 20th, 1944 to the 16th of January 1945 the 30th Infantry would hold an extended front from Beblenheim to Ammerscwihr. On the 17th the regiment moved into reserve they boarded a train for the eventual attack into the Colmar Pocket. The 30th Infantry jumped off at Guemar on January 22nd, the 30th Infantry along with the 15th Infantry pushed through the Colmar woods and arrived at the Maison Rouge Bridge the next day. With the 1st Battalion clearing out enemy resistance within the Reidwihr woods the Germans counterattacked in a full assault with armor and they were pushed out in full retreat. However, the 1st Battalion along with the rest of the regiment reestablished their lines and made a counterattack of their own and pushed them back clearing them out of the area by the next day. On January 27th, the 1st Battalion now having secured the city of Reidwihr moved in and captured the city of Colmar along with elements of the 15th Infantry and secured it. Co. "C" moved on its own with the other two battalions of the regiment to to east toward the German border. The next objective for the 30th Infantry is the town of Neuf Brisach, the 1st Battalion, 30th infantry on February 6th, 1945 quickly secured the flanks of the city and it quickly capitulated, the main assault was led by the three platoons of Charlie Co.. By February 19th, the 30th Infantry now having secured the French side of the Rhine in their sector were relieved by elements of the Free French forces under LeClerc. On the 12th of March the regiment was returned to Nancy, of which the same day the 3rd Division was now assigned to a new Corp. the XV Corps. This corp. would be spearheading the assault across the Rhine along with them were their old teammates the 45th Infantry Division and their new friends the 6th Armored Division.


The casualties sustained by the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment during the Colmar Pocket are as follows:


Casualties: 1,170

Killed: 193 Enlisted, 8 Officers

Wounded: 650 Enlisted, 26 Officers

Missing In Action: 290 Enlisted, 3 Officers


Germany Campaign: Spearhead Across the Rhine


The date for the jump-off was March 15th. The movement of the regiment from Nancy would be one of secrecy, all markings for the units in the main assault would be blackened out using adhesive. Vehicle numbers, patches both on the shoulder and on the helmet none were to show. The regiment attacked through the Siegfried Line on time early on March 15th, anti-personnel mines slowed the advance initially, however, these were quickly overcome. On March 20th, the city of Zweibrucken would fall. The U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment had become the first unit to breach the infamous Seigfried Line. The advance of the 30th Infantry continued quickly up and to Worms which was secured by March 26th. There the regiment would cross the Rhine and the opposition strengthened as they reached the opposite side. The resistance didn't last long as the overwhelming numbers of American forces landed across the Rhine the Germans pulled back and the 30th Infantry continued onto capture and secure the city of Heppenheim by the next day. On March 29th, the 1st Battalion dashed 40 kilometers to Lindenfels to secure 2,200 hospital patients. March 30th, the 30th Infantry spearheaded an assault across the Main River to capture Bad Kissingen on April 11th. In Bad Kissingen the 30th Infantry captures 22 hospitals with 2,825 patients, some former 3rd Division soldiers.


The 30th Infantry on April 11th would spearhead another river crossing on the Main River. On April 20th after five days of heavy fighting the 2nd Battalion, of the 30th Infantry is the first element to enter the city of Nuremburg, after being heavily damaged by allied bombing the 3rd Infantry Division captures intact the Zepplin Stadium, a reknown location for Nazi war rallies. Later in the day they demolished the swastika off the top of the stadium as a sign of victory. From the 23rd to the 27th of April the 30th Infantry swept southward, clearing the area north of Dillingen. On April 28th the 30th Infantry cross the Lech River. Moving quickly the 30th Infantry was the first unit into Munich the cradle of Naziism on April 30th. On May 4th, the 7th Infantry moves in front of the 2nd Free French Armored Division and the 101st Airborne Division to be the first unit into Berchtesgaden and the "Eagle's Nest." The war would end for the 30th Infantry in Salzburg, Austria on May 5th, 1945 after 31 months of hard combat.


The casualties sustained by the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment during the Germany Campaign are as follows:


Casualties: 696

Killed: 111 Enlisted, 10 Officers

Wounded: 530 Enlisted, 35 Officers

Missing In Action: 10 Enlisted


During the Second World War the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment had began the war in North Africa and succeeded in completeing the war in Austria with a complied 531 days in combat, the most of all divisions that participated in the Mediterranean and European Theatres of Operation. They achieved 12 Congressional Medal of Honor recipients(1/3rd of all CMH recipents from the U.S. 3rd Infantry Division)and sustained 8,308 casualties throughout the war. Most divisions in all the theatres of operations and never achieved as high a casualty rate as that of the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment. They were also the only U.S. Army regiment to take part in six seperate amphibious landings on four different hostile shores during WWII.


U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment: Occupation to Present Day


The U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment remained in Germany until 1946 on occupation duty. They returned and were stationed back at Fort Lewis, Washington. During the Korean War (1950-1953), the regiment didn't participate except in a replacement capacity for the U.S. 7th, 15th, and 65th Infantry Regiments, they were stationed at Fort Benning but, merely left on paper. The 30th Infantry Regiment was reconstitued as a seperate active unit in 1954. The 30th Infantry in both 1957 and 1963 underwent reorganization. On June 16th, 1989 the regiment was inactivated from service while in Germany. The regiment was activated and reassigned again on August 16th, 1992 in a battalion size capacity but, only for a couple of years until January 15th, 1994 when it was again inactivated. The 1st Battalion, 30th Infantry now redesignated was reactivated on February 16th, 1996 when the U.S. 24th Infantry Division (Mech) and the U.S. 3rd Infantry Division(Mech) were transferred between duty in Germany and duty at Fort Stewart, Georgia. The 1st Battalion, 30th Infantry headed back to war in March 2003 during the Invasion of Iraq: Operation Iraqi Freedom and has since done two stints in country. Upon its 1st return the 1st Battalion, 30th Infantry was surprised to discover that for the first time since 1989 the regiment now had two battalions. The 2nd Battalion, 30th Infantry is with the U.S. 10th Mountain Division, which is currently serving in Afghanistan. However, upon the latest return the 1st Battalion, U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment stationed at Fort Benning was redesignated a cavalry reconnaissance battalion and the 3rd Battalion, 15th Infantry became the new 1st Battalion, 30th Infantry Regiment.


Just wanted you to know; someone is actually reading this. Right now I just began the Invasion of Italy section....


Good stuff. Quite a history. Okay now back to reading....



Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

I'm with M, I've read most it so far. Good stuff.


Incidentally, when I was in 2d Tank Battalion, 2d Marine Division we took a trip down to Ft Stewart to do some training at the CCTT Close Combat Simulator Trainer. Basically, it's one of the world's biggest video game set ups. Check this linkfor info. You can get a 4 man tank crew in this simulator that acts like a real tank and there are displays that show a computer graphic simulation for any particular area (we did Iraq) through the vision blocks. I was the commo for tanks at the time so I didn't get to do the fun stuff, but I did get to see the result of the senario in the monitoring station. Pretty darn cool!


Also cool was our trip to nearby Fort Pulaski- also very cool!



Maj Todd O. USMC, Retired
Grandson of LTC John O'Brien

Very cool Todd. The simulators sound awesome. Once again, thanks for the set of photos.

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

I'm glad everyone is enjoying it :D


Cause I'll tell you I don't know HOW I had the patience to sit down and go through both the WWI & WWII histories and put all of that together now that I've read it and look back on all that information. lol :D





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