WWII former member of Civil Engineers recipient of the CIB

Colonel Wendell Fertig (16 December 1900 – 24 March 1975)[1] was an American civil engineer, in the American-administered Commonwealth of the Philippines, who organized and commanded an American-Filipino guerrilla force on the Japanese-occupied, southern Philippine island of Mindanao during World War II.


Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wendell_Fertig


Attempted to contact family member to determine several subjects. Colonel Fertig’s list of awards and decorations do not include the BSM (First OLC). No doubt he earned the BSM for being a recipient of the DUC/PUC. The BSM was awarded to all WWII recipients of the CIB. In the veteran’s case the BSM (OLC).


If anyone has knowledge how to contact family member of the late veteran, please advise.





"The BSM was awarded to all WWII recipients of the CIB."


I assume you mean the Bronze Star Medal. I don't think it was given by default to CIB recipients. Larry, you want to step in here?

Maj Todd O. USMC, Retired
Grandson of LTC John O'Brien

"The BSM was awarded to all WWII recipients of the CIB."


I assume you mean the Bronze Star Medal. I don't think it was given by default to CIB recipients. Larry, you want to step in here?


I'm not Larry, but: Yes, the BSM was awarded in the 1950's, I believe, to anyone who was a recipient of the CIB for actions in WWII. I have an original NARA document awarding it to a man on these grounds. I would have to get it out and read the exact verbiage it uses though.


He has a daughter that is apparently still alive, but have not found her name yet.


The BSM was authorized for recipients of the C.I.B. but was not automaticly issued, it had to be applied for.


Criteria for award of the Bronze Star are covered in AR 600 - 45; Change 12 to AR 600-45, 10 Sep 1947; Change 13 to AR 600-45, Department of the Army, 4 November 1947; current is 600-8-22, Military Awards.



Change 12 to AR 600-45, 10 Sep 1947 made provisions for the award of the Bronze Star Medal to WW2 recipients of the Combat Infantry and Medical Badges. It says, "Those individuals who, as members of the armed forces of the United States were cited by name on or after 7 December 1941 and prior to 3 September 1945, in orders or in a formal certificate, for meritorious or exemplary conduct in ground combat against the armed enemy, may make application to The Adjutant General, Washington 25, D.C., for award of the Bronze Star Medal on the basis of such citation. A citation in orders for the Combat Infantry Badge or Medical Badge awarded in the field during the period pf actual combat against the armed enemy is considered as a citation for exemplary conduct in ground combat."


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