Myths WW2



1. WW2 started in 1939, after the invasion of Poland.


- since japan and china were two of the countries most involved in the conflict, it should be marked as 1937 (20 million chinese were massacred in these 2 years). The sino-japanese war did not involve the entire world, but neither did the invasion of Poland.


2. The Germans and the Soviets were allies until 1941.


- as early as the beginning of the 1930 decade, when hitler came to power, saying that the communists should be -killed- and the slavs should be enslaved, everyone and his dog knew that these two were going to war.


3. The axis wanted to dominate the world.


- the germans never had the intention of dominating the entire globe, they "only" wanted to dominate europe. Same with Japan, which intended to dominate eastern asia. Not surprisingly, these were the regions which were by far the most affected during the conflicts.


4. USA won the war and saved the world.


- it's obvious that the military defeat of the axis was mostly the work of the Soviet Union, aided by the other Allies. As stated above, the "world" was never threatened.


5. The A-Bombs in Japan ended the war, were necessary for peace and saved lifes.


- Japan clearly surrendered because of the invasion of Manchuria by the Red Army, and the bombs caused two horrible massacres - how can people say they could somehow have been the cause for peace.


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