V-J day

60 years ago today World War II ended, but where are the flags. I went out to display mine and not one do I see, 3 hours later.




Ah easy answer. No one really cares. Well WE do, but where is the media? Is it really on our local tv news? Is it on our local radio stations? Nope. It should be out there, but it's not. Me, I see it on the History Channel.

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Seems like it is"politally UNcorrect" to fly a American flag anymore. But I fly the flag

on occasions such as this and to hell with P.C.. Seems like the only date now that seems to count is 9-11, where about 3,000 well paid civilians (plus some law enforcement and firefighters) lost their lives. However I do see where most of these

3,000 civilians families reaped much publicity and about $1,000,000 in benifits. Seems

strange that servicemen/servicewomen KIA families only recieved the insurance THEY

paid for.


Geeze!!! Where in H are we heading. After all the fine young men and women gave up their way of life to put on a uniform and leave their families and loved ones; and those that gave with their lives, to fight for everyones freedom. what do we have; the ACLU and all their bleeding heart LIBERALS, trying to tear it all down and give us their version of freedom. The freedom to do as they damn well please as long as it makes them FEEL GOOD, in their own perverted way,

The ACLU wouldn't wouldn't be but a pimple on my ---, if it weren't for bilge spewing from the likes of the Streisands & baldwins of Follyhood.

Excuse the language, but my blood boils when I think of the money these creeps make under our democratic system of government, only to use it to bring it's downfall. But, I do believe in one thing. That final day, when we all will face our maker, they will crawl on their bellies before him and beg forgivness. Good thing for them they will be before HIM and not me.


Fly your flag today,now, and the next, to show them who you are, and that Robert Morneweck. and all the others who didn't come back, didn't give their ALL for nothing.




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