My name is Roque J Riojas. I have been invited to join this site by j3rdinf.
I am an 83yr. old WWII vet. Lifetime member of the 34th Divn. Assoc.
It became an Assoc. when it was deactivated in '46. I was with the HQ. Co. 1st
Bn. 135th Inf. Regt. The 34th Divn went into combat Nov. '42. Nov. 7 at
Algiers No. Africa and attached to the Divn. was the 109 Combat Engineers.
And they stayed with the 34th thru N. Africa and part of Italy. They were also
used as combat inf.! Several battles, Algiers,Sened Station,KASSERINE PASS,
Fondouk,Hill 609, and after that theGermans were on the run.
It ended around April or May '43. Took anfib. training for the assault atSalerno, Italy Sept. 9,'43. Then it was hell all over again till May 1945! the 34th Divn.
amassed more than 600 days of combat in the two campaigns. Thru all of
this I thank God Almighty for bringing me back home.
I have a cronicle put out by the Army Archives that tells aboutthe 34th Divn.
It's quite long to write it but I could send a copy to Joe (3rdinf) maybe he can
paste it all I have is a laptop and a printer. Anyway this is a short summary
and if you noticed I never said I did this or that, it was WE the RED BULL
DIVN. that did this. Roque Riojas a proud WW II combat infantryman.