Memorial DAy USA

Had to happen...even in this small town. During one of the (two) ceremonies being conducted at our local cemetaries last Monday, some 53 year-old idiot drove his car onto the lawn and began to rant about "Nuclear war!!" He was promptly taken into custody and charged with Disorderly Conduct and negligent driving, according to the article in our local paper. This guy was old enough to know better, and I don't think his actions fall under "freedom of speech". If they do, they shouldn't. Quite frankly, I think some of these 'rights' are being abused to the point of absurdity. This nutcase was damn lucky the cops were on hand to arrest him...





What a jerk. Dogdaddy, what people fail to realize is that your right to freedom of speech also includes not invading other's privacy, etc. The right also comes with other responsibilities such as, respect and common sense. When we infringe on other's rights, then we are going against the constitution. Too many ignorant people, think that these rights mean that they can do and say anything they want. Sad. :( Maybe we should start classes early in school strictly on the constitution. We are sorely under-educated.

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

How about teaching people to act appropriately in public?!?!?!?!?!


Boy do I know some folks that can benefit from it.





A Memorial Day ceremony was certainly NOT the right venue for a protest against W., or whoever he was really angry at.... <_<




Rude behavior has unfortunately become the norm. A sad state of affairs. Now rudeness, crudeness, swearing profusely and encroaching on others is considered okay.


Oh, don't get me started, but a friend of mine with an eleven year old was defending all the rap crap saying that it was her daughter's generation's way of expressing themselves and their freedom of speech. I kid you not. She said that nothing should be banned because it would infringe on their generation. HOGWASH! She was even including one song that her daughter was singing that said, Mother F---er! My God, I'm not a prude, by if I ever hear my granddaughter saying that, Nana will wash her mouth out with soap!!!

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Rude behavior has unfortunately become the norm. A sad state of affairs. Now rudeness, crudeness, swearing profusely and encroaching on others is considered okay.


Oh, don't get me started, but a friend of mine with an eleven year old was defending all the rap crap saying that it was her daughter's generation's way of expressing themselves and their freedom of speech. I kid you not. She said that nothing should be banned because it would infringe on their generation. HOGWASH! She was even including one song that her daughter was singing that said, Mother F---er! My God, I'm not a prude, by if I ever hear my granddaughter saying that, Nana will wash her mouth out with soap!!!

That trend in large part, is what endears me so much to the World WarII Generation and the simple values of decency and respect that I learned from being raised by "Greatest Generation" parents. Not to imply that they or any other entire generation is beyond reproach, but in general the raunchy language and behavior you see in our society today would never have been tolerated in public, or considered part of American "mainstream" culture. Kids today don't have a chance really, most are bombarded by the crude lyrics and behaviors from TV, movies, and "music" from the time they are 3.

That is why I find a great release in "spending time" in the WWII era, through books,DVDS and The History Channel, as well as listening to the Vets talk about their experiences. It allows me to at least temporarily escape back to a time when right and wrong were more easily defined. :coffee:




Wow, do we think alike. Yes, for me in a way, it is a retreat too. Back to when men treated women like ladies and the ladies enjoyed it. Long live chivalry in my book. As you said, no generation is deserving of sainthood, but man, I'd take the 40's anyday over the crap (oops) today.


Yes you are right, the kids are bombarded with sex and bad behavior. They don't know what to expect or how to act. Too many 7 and 8 year old girls running around in high heeled shoes and acting like sex objects. Glad I didn't have to grow up that way. Heck, I was still playing with Barbie dolls when I was in 6th and 7th grade. I'm glad I got to be a real kid.

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

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