I'm the grandson of Paul DeMaio, 2nd Battalion 540th Engineers, C Regiment, F Company.
Since he passed away in 1977, I never got to learn much about his experiences. Had he been around longer, I'm relatively certain he would not have talked about them either.
This means that I don't have any stories to exchange with anyone, just some memories of a pretty cool guy smoking Pall Malls, working as an engineer at Westinghouse, and who would occasionally take his wife to nearby Pittsburgh to meet with a fellow 540th engineer (if you here, let me hear!).
I'd like to hear from anyone who can shed light on the movements, actions & engagements of F Company. Thanks to Marion, my contact info can be found on the site under Newsletters - VI Corps Engineeers - VI Corps Vets & Family Addresses. Feel free to contact me; if you'd like, you can email your number and I'll contact you so I'll foot the bill!
Finally, no thanks could be enough for Marion's efforts. Since finding her site, I've gone from zero to having a library at my disposal! And by looking at these boards, it appears she has the VI Corps family growing!
Rob duMaire
El Paso, TX