Wanting to know about my dads service while in europe

To All,


I am presently performing genealogical research with regards to my dads family. Part of that research is his military service in WWII. Unfortunately when I requested his OMPF (Official Military Personnel File) from the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, Missouri I was informed via mail that his record was not in their files due to the fire of July 12, 1973. Fortunately I have his Enlisted Record and Report of Separation Honorable Discharge papers from the Army. On them it shows the "Organization" as Headquarters Co. 370th Engineer Combat Battalion, "Battles and Campaigns" Rome Arno-Rhineland-Central Europe, "Decorations and Citations" Good Conduct Medal SO#59 HQ. 74th AAA Gun BN 1944 and American Defense Service Medal European, African, Middle Eastern Theater Campaign Ribbon. Based on this information I was hoping someone might be able to enlighten me as to where his unit was in North Africa and Europe or at least inform me of where I might be able to obtain that information. I was told by an only surviving relative that at the close of the war he entered Dachau POW Camp.Since he passed away in 1994 I have no way to confirm that. He was born and raised in Nashua, NH and enlisted in the New Hampshire National Guard in 1939. I am also hoping that there might actually be someone out there who served with him.



Clay Butler


Hello Clay, welcome to the forum. it appears that your father was in 2 separate units during the war, first with the 74th AAA Gun Batalion in Africa & Italy then joined the newly formed 370th engineer combat battalion in Dec 44.

The 74th AAAGBn has campaign credit for Rome-Arno and the 370th ECB has campaign credits for Central-Europe and Rhineland.

If i have time tomorow, i`ll see what else i can find for you. I do know unit histories for both units are available at the Eisenhower Library.


Hello Clay, welcome to the forum. it appears that your father was in 2 separate units during the war, first with the 74th AAA Gun Batalion in Africa & Italy then joined the newly formed 370th engineer combat battalion in Dec 44.

The 74th AAAGBn has campaign credit for Rome-Arno and the 370th ECB has campaign credits for Central-Europe and Rhineland.

If i have time tomorow, i`ll see what else i can find for you. I do know unit histories for both units are available at the Eisenhower Library.


Hi SonofaMP,


Thank you for your quick reply. What ever you can come come up with would be great. Can I access the Eisenhower Library online? I do know that when he shipped out he had been stationed at a Curtis Wright Aircraft Plant in East Paterson, NJ apparently with the AAA battalion. He did mention to me that he first shipped out to North Africa and Libya and then went across into Sicily.




Clay Butler


Hello Clay, from the homepage of the Eisenhower Library: http://www.eisenhower.archives.gov the "research" tab will give you info on ordering records. This link to the finding aids will give you the Box number where the unit records are located: http://www.eisenhower.archives.gov/research/Finding_Aids/PDFs/US_Army_Unit_Records_Index.pdf


You can get some info on the 370th from Richard Fietz`s page on the main site:



found a few pieces to the puzzle but it brings to light that the 74th AAA gun Bn was Not his original unit.

According to this document: http://www.cgsc.edu/CARL/nafziger/941UXAD.PDF the 74th had a short life.


Raised Unit Name Notes

1 Apr 44 74th AAA Gun Bn (Mobile) Disbanded 23 Dec 44


the raised date indicates the 74th was redesignated, most likely from a 1st Battalion of an AntiAircraft Regiment or Coast Artillery Regiment that was reorganized into the Group/Battalion form in Italy.

Now we have to figure out which regiment it was.

I havent found the 74th listed in any 5th Army Order of Battle which means they were probably under command of the Peninsular Base Section in Italy.


A document posted by janis337 in post#10 at; http://www.6thcorpscombatengineers.com/engforum/index.php?showtopic=5268

The 370th Engineer Combat Bn was formed from the 74th AAA Gun Bn on 31 December 1944 at Gignac, France. 370th`s location in August 1945 was Ulm, Germany. Arrived Boston Port of Embarkation 13 Nov 45, Inactivated 14 Nov 45 at Camp Miles Standish, Mass.




Sorry, wasn't on the forum yesterday. Had a ton of work I had to get done, so sorry for the delay.


Clay I am still going to call, but have had a very heavy work load the last several days, as well as company from out of town. Whew!


I did email you and added your name to the 370th mailing list, one in fact is a veteran from that unit. I told him to expect an email from you, but he wrote twice saying you have not contacted him yet. His story is also on the main site.




Please get in touch with him ASAP!

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"



Sorry, wasn't on the forum yesterday. Had a ton of work I had to get done, so sorry for the delay.


Clay I am still going to call, but have had a very heavy work load the last several days, as well as company from out of town. Whew!


I did email you and added your name to the 370th mailing list, one in fact is a veteran from that unit. I told him to expect an email from you, but he wrote twice saying you have not contacted him yet. His story is also on the main site.




Please get in touch with him ASAP!


Good morning whenever you get a chance is fine with me. Thanks for your email it was ironic because I had just got online and went to find Dick Fietz's email address and was going to email him this morning. Thanks once again looking forward to speaking with you.


Clay Butler


Hi Clay, can you give me the travel dates listed in Box 36- 'Service Outside Continental US and Return' on your dad`s discharge document., or email me a copy of the document(s)? It will help in tracing the movements of his units.




Hi Clay, can you give me the travel dates listed in Box 36- 'Service Outside Continental US and Return' on your dad`s discharge document., or email me a copy of the document(s)? It will help in tracing the movements of his units.




Hi SonofaMP,


The dates are as follows:


29 April 1943 Eur AFR Mid ET 11 May 1943

18 July 1945 United States 7 Aug 1945


I will also email copy of separation papers.




Clay Butler


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