History of the Panthers in the Western Front

Dear Marion,


Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm one of the authors of Duel in the Mist, a series of books on the fighting during the Ardennes Offensive.


At the moment I'm working on a new project involving histories of the Panther equipped units fighting on the Western front. In my search for images from the Baccarat - Blamont area (France) I stumbled across your website and the corresponding album of Harold Bare (36th Eng). There are a series of images that are very interesting for my research in so far that I would ask your kind permission, or that of the owner to use these images in the upcoming book. Rest assured that you'll be properly acknowledged and a ofcourse you will receive a free copy upon publication.


If you are interested to see some of my previous work: http://panzerwrecks.com/ditm2info.html


I would be very happy if I could count on your support. These days everybody has a piece of the jigsaw, and it would be marvellous if you could help me complete mine.


Please feel free to contact me.

Best regards

Simon Vosters, Belgium



I did get in touch with the Bare's and they have agreed to let Simon use said photos in his book. :pdt12:

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

I'm trying to view the 36th Engineers photos listed under Harold Bare. I'd love to see if my uncle Pfc. Thomas P. Lane is in any of them but I can't find the photos here. I tried clciking on Bares name but it only brings me back to this page. Any info would help. Thanks. If anyone else has pics of the members of the 36th prior to or around 19 Dec 1944 (Tom was KIA on that date somewhere in Luxemberg I believe. If anyone hass info on the wheree abouts of the 36th on that date that would be great too, I believe he was in E company, 2nd Battalion at the time of his death.



Marion's note: Email removed for privacy sake...


Hi Bil, you will find the Photo Gallery on the Homepage, click on "Visit our Homepage..." in the blue tab bar at the top left of any forum page. You`ll see the tab for the photo gallery.

Under the tab "Engineer History" to the left of the photo gallery you`ll find the link for the 36th Engineers, click that and scroll down to the Situation Reports for June `44 thru December `44.

The 2nd Bn was building bridges in the vicinity of Lauterburg, Germany about that time.


Thanks Larry.


Yes, all the detailed information on the 36th is on the main site. As Larry stated, you will find the Photo Gallery listed there, as well as the History of the 36th. Oh, BTW, I removed your email address above. Any member can reach you via private messenger. I strongly urge everyone to never post their email addresses here, or anywhere in plain site on the internet. That only opens you up to spammers and hackers.


Looking forward to talking with you.

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

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