Margraten Cemetery Project

Good evening!


I'm not sure exactly which forum for which this is most appropriate, so I settled on here.


A young man from the Netherlands is undertaking a project to research the lives of the World War II Soldiers buried at Margraten Cemetery, Netherlands. My own great-grand-uncle is buried there, so I figure there may be a few others in this forum who may be interested, too. He's looking for photos and stories of the Soldiers to compile. Our local paper did a news story on the project: The story includes a link to the forum where you can submit your stories and photos, plus an e-mail address to contact the research group.


If you know of a researcher with or outside this forum who may be interested in such a project, please pass the message along!


Kind regards,




Thank you Doug.


Over the last ten years or so, we've had many men and women sponsor/adopt graves in cemeteries across Europe and it's been an honor and privilege working with them all.


Happy to be of assistance. :pdt12:

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

My Uncle's grave at Margraten was adopted a few years ago and I could not be happier. I get a couple of E-Mails with photos at least twice a year from this dedicated young couple. These people truly honor our loved ones and I thank you for keeping their memory alive.




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