Tributes and Veteran's Info Links
Carl Henry - A Harvard man documents the Third Army’s liberation of Europe
Letters to the Editor - Donald Pruett - 163rd Engineer
Let Freedom Ring - documentaries reaching out to high school students from George Ciampa - WWII veteran
Go For Broke - the life stories of the Japanese American soldiers of World War II
Front Seat to War - Carl Henry - 305th Engineer
Heroes of Old Hickory
- a film
Gail "Bud" Freeman -Veteran Gives a Lasting Gift - as presenting in National WWII Museum's Newsletter - Spring 2011
Gene Autry - Flight Officer
Jonna Doolittle Hoppes
David Kenyon Webster - E Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne Division
A Tribute to My Dad, Warren Weidenburner - US Army Vet CBI Theatre WWII
Albert R Panebianco's - 45th Infantry Division
A British Soldier Remembers
A Day for Remembrance - by Corrine Durdock
Bernie L Stokes - 45th Infantry Division
Collections/Re-Collections - Memories of William Yenofsky
Aviation Days - John Christian - appears to be gone - any information is appreciated
The Letters of Private Melvin W. Johnson - includes WWII Honor Roll
C E "Bud" Anderson
101st Airborne - Clancy Lyall & Bill Tingen
Bob Gallagher's WWII Experiences
Jack Heyn in the South Pacific- 3rd Bomb Group
Senator Dole - Life Books - The Power & the Glory
Frank Carafa (rescued Lt Dole) - PBS Interview regarding Bob Dole
North Texas Vets /The Doolittle Raid - dedicated to Kenneth E Reddy
Major Dick Winters - The History Net
Chuck Yeager - Biography
Edwin "Eddie" Hardin - 65th Infantry Division
Robert G Willenbaker Memorial Page - mentions VI Corps Engineers
Uncle Arthur's Wartime (WWII) Experiences
3rd Armored Division - WWII - Soldiers' Stories
Heroes Forever
Ghost of Bataan - Sargeant Abie Abraham
Jones Family - WWII Letters
Biography of Cliff Miller - 372nd Engineer
B-26 Tailgunner
Daughters of D-Day - Finding Our Fathers
Mother of Normandy
Story of Willard O. Havemeier - Africa to Italy - 32nd Station Hospital
Tanks for the Memories
Marshall Stelriede's Wartime Story - B-17 Navigator
Eye-Witness to History WWII
LTC James "Maggie" Magellas - 82nd Airborne
Clarence "Clancy" Lyall - World War II and Korean Veteran - E/506th
Faces Beyond the Graves
Bob Searle Sr - Photo Gallery - US Army 56th Signal Battalion
Edward Torossian - B-24 Bomber Pilot
Senator Dan Inouye - The Day Everything Changed
Senator Dan Inouye - Medal of Honor

General Veteran's Tributes

Fields of Honor Database
Adopted Graves -
Stories Beyond the Graves
Illinois WWII Classroom Project
America Celebrates the Greatest Generation
Veterans History Project
World War II Veterans
World War II Remembered - Timelines, Interviews...
Memories of War
HBO's - Band of Brothers
Dad's War
Branson Veterans - Veterans Services
Veteran Search - "We make grown men cry"
The Retired Enlisted Association
The Italian Campaign - Life at the frontlines as told by veterans
British War Memorial Project
Tankbooks - WWII Oral histories
Kilroy was here - Remembering the War Years
The Greatest Generation Memorial Exhibit
Battlefields of WWII
The World War II Memories Project
Liberation Museum of Bart and Teun Oostvogels
Moselle River - 1944-2004
- (in French)
Preston Schools - Freedom is not Free
Combat Stories of WWII
Heroes at Margraten
World War II Lecture Institute
Memories of British Soldiers WWII
World War II Heroes
60th Anniversary - Diekirch
RSL - Returned Serviceman League (Australia)
War Letters
Thank You Canada and Allied Forces
WWII Combat Medic
I Remember
- Dedicated to the soldiers of the Russian Front
...And Some Gave All
Honoring Massachusetts Veterans
World War II Online
Iwo Jima
Let Freedom Ring
American D-Day
Detroit Our Greatest Generation
- a documentary salute
Stand Where They Fought
Letters to Home - Military Letters Written During the War
2009 - D-Day + 65
U.S. Wereth Memorial
Website for F.B.I - The Forgotten Bastards of Iceland

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