VI Corps Links -
updated 3-9-2018
The following VI Corps divisions were part of the VI Corps at one time, some shared a longer history with VI Corps than others. 3rd Infantry Division
Rock of the Marne
Dogfaced Soldiers
Blue & White Devils - Story of the 3rd Infantry Division 3rd Infantry Division - Order of Battle Eagles Nest - Who Really Captured the Final Prize? Operations Report - 3rd Inf Div - Sicily
LST Loading Plans for Follow-up Units - Joss Force - Operation Husky
History of the 3rd Infantry Division During WWII
70 Years Ago - The Diary of 10th Engineer - Chick Bruns
34th Infantry Division WWII Forum - 34th Infantry Division 34th "Red Bull" Infantry Division 36th Infantry Division 36th Infantry Division - Order of Battle
The Story of the 36th Infantry Division
36th Division Association 45th Infantry Division
45th Infantry Division Museum 45th Infantry Division - Living History
Albert R Panebianco
45th Infantry Division - Order of Battle The Story of the 45th Infantry Division

VI Corps/5th & 7th Army & Other Division Links and Reports
As with the VI Corps Engineers, many units including the units below, were attached to either the VI Corps, the 5th or 7th Armies during their active duty in the ETO, for at least a period of time.
Historical Record Operations - 2nd Armored Division - Sicily - Kool Forces
Engineer History - Mediterranean Theater - Fifth Army - thank you Andrea Gatti
US Fifth Army History - part I - From Activation to Fall of Naples
US Fifth Army History - part II - Across the Volturno to the Winter Line
US Fifth Army History - part III - The Winter Line
US Fifth Army History - part IV - Cassino and Anzio
US Fifth Army History - part V - The Drive to Rome
US Fifth Army History - Part VI - Pursuit to the Arno
5th Army Anti-Aircraft - WWII Unit History Fifth Army Road to Rome (cover shown & intro by Gen Mark Clark) 82nd Airborne Division
All American - Story of the 82nd Airborne Division First Airborne Taskforce
14th Armored Div - (from the Holocaust US Holocaust Museum)
Fifth Army - Letters and Orders of Activation
100th Infantry Division Association
100th Infantry Division - "Sons of Bitche" in World War II

The 9th Infantry Div, 60th Infantry Regiment trained with the 36th and 540th off the east coast in 1942 and also took part in the invasion of North Africa in Nov '42
60th Infantry Regiment 
VI Corps Engineers Direct Support/Attachment 2nd Armored Division - Hell on Wheels
8th Naval Beach Battalion
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