VI Corps Photos
Engineer Photo Gallery
features my entire collection of engineer-related images from WWII. The gallery currently holds over 2500 photos, which are organized by engineer battalion/regiment and soldier, where possible.
All images are downloadable, for I believe in sharing with my viewers. Isn't that what history is all about?
Photos are constantly being added, so if you don't see your submitted photos yet, don't despair! A number of images may still need to be titled, re-sized, or improved, so thanks in advance for your patience. We're getting there...
If you have information regarding any of the photos, drop me a line. Please indicate the folder name(s) and number(s) of each photo, along with your with your additional data. Info supplied without the above, will be disgarded, due to the enormity of this project.
I've also added another section to the gallery (early 2012), which includes all the images from other veterans I've been in contact with, so be sure to check those out too! These include infantrymen, paratroopers, etc.
Enjoy the show,

Ray Repasky Photo Album - pdf supplied to me by Katherine Bergstrom
Seabee Images - Many thanks to John Ratomski for sharing his father's photos.

540th Photos
More bridges in Germany
- from my National Archives files
Fixed Bridge at Schongau - from my National Archives files