540th Combat Engineers - 2832nd & 2833rd Bns
page updated

540th Engineer Combat Regiment
D-Day Landings
- North Africa
- Licata and Gela Sicily
- Naples-Salerno
- Anzio Italy
- Drammont Southern France
- Algeria-French Morocco
- Sicily
- Naples-Foggia
- Anzio
- Rome-Arno
- Southern France
- Rhineland
- Ardennes-Alsace
- Central Europe

The unit was activated at Camp Edwards Massachusetts on 11 September, 1942. The unit began with three battalions, but the third was disbanded and transferred to join the 36th Engineer Combat Regiment, bringing their numbers to three full battalions. The 540th remained as a two battalion unit throughout the war.

In February 1945, the 540th Engineer Combat Regiment was re-organized as the 540th Engineer Combat Group. Thus the following occured:
- 1st Battalion (Co's A, B and C) became the 2832nd Bn
- 2nd Battalion (Co's D, E and F) became the 2833rd Bn

Outstanding Performance

A Presidential Unit Citation was awarded to the 540th. They received the citation for their outstanding performance in Sicily in August 1943, when a platoon from 2nd Bn was attached to Lt Col Lyle A Bernard's (30th Inf Reg, 3rd Div) task force. More on this later.
The 540th also received a Unit Meritorious Service Award for their actions during the the Naples/Foggia Campaign, the Invasion of Italy.

National Archived Documents - Sit Reps and More!
As of today, have begun (emphasis on begun) to scan and upload the over 2000 pages of the documents procured from the National Archives. The reports cover the period from January 1943 through November of 1945, and will include S-1 through S-4 reports (daily, weekly and monthly journals), after-action reports, general orders, document receipts, maps, photographs and more.
My friend Gerome who lives in the Alsace area, will be visiting Charmes, France next week, so I copied the files from October 1944 to assist him with his research of the VI Corps Engineers. This also allowed me to immediately share them with all of you. A win-win situation!
November 1942
36th and 540th in North Africa -added 11-14-2014
January 1943
Award of Purple Heart - added 07-23-08
April 1943
Historical Records and Histories of Organizations - added 07-23-08
May 1943
Award of Purple Heart - added 07-23-08
Landing Craft and Bases Amphibious Force Northwest African Waters - added 11-15-2014
July 1943 - updated with searchable PDF's - April 2012
Biscayne - July 20, 1943 off the coast of Sicily - added 11-14-2014
Monthly Activity Journal
Historical Records and Histories of Organizations
August 1943 - updated with searchable PDF's - April 2012
Award of Purple Heart
Letter of Commendation from Colonel Marvin
Daily Synopsis through August 10
Tonnage Report
Report from Lt Rice - August 16
Daily Journals
1st and 2nd Special Forces Missions
Special Mine Clearing
Letter from Chaplain
September 1943
Activity Journal
Casualty Report
Daily Journal Report - 2nd Battalion
Engineer Reconaissance Reports
Field Order No 2
1st Battalion Journal
Supply Officer Journal
S-2 Journal
S-3 Journal
Monthly Journal
Tactical and Technical Reports
October 1943
1st Battalion Journal
2nd Battalion Journal
19th Engineer Report - R-4 Bulldozer
Activity Journal
Assigned Present and Absent Strength
Casualty Report
Daily Journal Report - 2nd Battalion
Engineer Tactical and Technical Report
Journal for Month of October
Letter Regarding Prepared Reports - Office of General Clark
Minefield Clearance Report
Monthly Journal
Monthly Report
S-3 Report
November 1943
Activity Journal - Captain Robeysek
Casualty Report
Changes During Month
Daily Journal Report
Dispostion from Sept 9 - Nov 30
Journal 1st Bn - 1st Lt Rankin
Monthly Journal - 1st Lt Brown
Monthly Journal - Capt Hardeman
Monthly Journal - Capt Sass
S-2 Journal
S-3 Journal
December 1943
1st Bn Journal for Month of Dec 1943 - 1st Lt Rankin
Activity Journal - Dec 1943
Daily Journal Report - 2nd Bn - Dec 1943
Daily Journal Report - Dec 1943 - Major Monnier
General Order No 7 - Dec 1943
Journal for Month Of Dec 1943 - Capt Hardeman
540th - Journal for Month of Dec 1943 - 1st Lt Brown
Monthly Activity Journal - Col Marvin - Dec 1943
S-2 Journal - Month of Dec 1943 - Capt Fizdale
S-3 Journal for Dec 1943 - Major Knapp
Journal for Month of Dec 1943 - Capt Robeysek
January 1944
Daily Journal Report - Major Monnier
Monthly Journal - Captain Gowan
Monthly Journal - Captain Brown
Monthly Journal - 1st Lt Rankin
Monthly Journal - Captain Robeysek
S-2 Journal - 1st Lt Gavura
S-3 Journal - Major Knapp
February 1944
USS LCI 17 - Task Force 81 - Feb 3, 1944 Anzio - added 11-14-2014
Daily Journal Report - Lt Col Monnier
General Order No 1 - Award of Purple Heart - Capt Robeysek
Monthly Journal - Capt Brown
Monthly Journal - Capt Gowan
Monthly Journal - Capt Robeysek
Monthly Journal - 1st Lt Rankin
S-2 Journal - 1st Lt Gavura
S-3 Journal - Major Knapp
March 1944
USS LCI 5 - Anzio - March 1944 - added 11-14-2014
Activity Journal - 1st Lt Clifford
Awards of Purple Heart
Daily Journal - Lt Col Monnier
Monthly Journal - 1st Lt Rankin
Monthly Journal - Capt Gowan
Monthly Journal - Capt Robeysek
Monthly Journal - Capt Brown
S-2 Journal - 1st Lt Gavura
S-3 Journal - Major Knapp
April 1944
Monthly Activity Journal - April 1944 - Col Marvin
Activity Journal - April 1944 - Capt Clifford
Daily Journal - April 1944 - 2nd Bn -Lt Col Monnier
Journal - April 1944 - Capt Gowan
Monthly Journal - April 1944 - 1st Lt Rankin
Monthly Journal - April 1944 - 1st Lt Woods
S-2 Journal - April 1944 - 1st Lt Gavura
S-3 Journal - April 1944 - Major Knapp
May 1944
540th - Activity Journal - May 1944
540th - Daily Journal - 2nd Bn - May 1944 - Major Knapp
540th - General Order 10 - Award of Purple Heart - Capt Robeysek
540th - General Orders - May 1944 - Col Marvin
540th - Journal for Month of May 1944 - 1st Lt Finnegan
540th - Journal for Month of May 1944 - Capt Gowan
540th - Monthly Activity Journal - May 1944 - Col Marvin
540th - Monthly Journal - May 1944 - 1st Lt Gavura
540th - Monthly Journal - May 1944 - 1st Lt Rankin
540th - Monthly Journal - May 1944 - 1st Lt Woods
June 1944
June 29th regarding the Invasion of Sicily - added 11-14-2014
July 1944
Eight Beach Bn July 1944 - added 11-14-2014
August 1944
Operation Reports Southern France - Commander Task Group 80.2 - added 11-14-2014
Eight Beach Bn Aug 1944 - added 11-14-2014
Monthly Activity Journal - Colonel George Marvin
Award of Purple Heart - Captain Robeysek
Activity Journal - 1st Lt Finnegan
Journal for Month of August - Captain Gowan
Monthly Journal - Major Looney
Activity Journal - Captain Clifford
General Order #17 - August 28 - Colonel George Marvin
Commendation of Pvt Elwin L. Jennings - Captain Booth
Daily Journal - 2nd Bn - Major Knapp
Daily Journal - 1st Bn - Captain Casey
S-2 Journal - Captain Gavura
September 1944
540th - Activity Journal September 1944 - Ist Lt Frederick J Finnegan
540th - Monthly Activity Journal - September 1944 - Colonel George W Martin
540th - Monthly Activity Journal September 1944 - S3 - Major Carl A Looney
540th 1st Bn - Daily Journal Report Month of September 1944 - Captain Donald E Casey
540th - Journal for month of September 1944 - Captain C.E. Gowan
540th - Monthly Activity Journal - September 1944 - Colonel George W Martin
540th - Monthly Activity Journal September 1944 - S3 - Major Carl A Looney
540th 2nd Bn - Daily Journal Report September 1944 - Lt Col S.A. Knapp Jr
540th Document Receipts September 1944
S-2 Journal September 1944 - Aptain A.D. Gavura
October 1944
Monthly Activity Journal - added 05-01-08
Weekly Activity Journal - added 05-01-08
S-2 Journal - added 05-01-08
S-3 Monthly Activity Journal - added 05-01-08
Captain Decater Brown Monthly Journal - added 05-01-08
1st Lt Finnegan Monthly Journal - added 05-01-08
General Orders Number 24 - added 05-01-08
General Orders Numbers 23, 25, 26, 27 & 28 - added 05-01-08
Daily Journals - 2832nd Battalion - added 05-01-08
Daily Journals - 2833rd Battalion - added 05-01-08
November 1944
Document Receipts
Daily Journal - Major John C. O'Brien
Daily Journal - Lt Col S.A. Knapp
Journal - Capt Frederick J. Finnegan
Activity Journal - Capt T.F. Clifford
S-2 Journal - Capt A.D. Gavura
Journal - Capt Decater Brown - Supply Officer
S-3 Monthly Activity Journal - Major Carl A. Looney
Erratum Sheet - Engineer Plan for Assualt River Crossing
December 1944 - will be uploaded
January 1945 - will be uploaded
February 1945 - will be uploaded
March 1945
Diagrams 1st Signal Bn -7th Army March 1945 - added 11-14-2014
S-3 Daily Journal - 2833rd Battalion - Rhine River Crossing 25-27th March 1945
April 1945 - will be uploaded
May 1945 - will be uploaded
June 1945 - will be uploaded
July 1945
290th Eng Bn - 540th Report
2832nd S1 S2 S3 S4 Reports
2833rd Bn Activity Journal
2833rd Bn General Orders
2833rd Bn S1 S2 S3 S4
Activity Journals - 2833rd Bn
General Orders 15 to 20 540th HQ
HQ 48th Engineer Bn - 540th Report
Monthly Activity Journal

Related Unit Historical Reports
I will place the reports from other associated units in this section. These documents will contain factual information regarding the 540th.
2nd and 4th Beach Bns - regarding 36th and 540th - Invasion of Sicily - added 11-14-2014
Historical Record Operations - 2nd Armored Division - Sicily - April 22 to July 25, 1943 -
added 06-25-08
Specifically mentions 540th on pages 3, 5 and 14
Operations Report 3rd Inf Division- Sicilian Campaign - added 06-25-08
Specifically mentions 540th on page 43
Journal - 157th Combat Engineers - added 06-30-09
Specifically mentions 540th on page 55
U.S. 14th Armored Division History - mentions 540th - added 07-03-09

Other Documents
Marion's note: Some of these files are quite large. Please be patient while they download.
Theodore L Pederson - documentation regarding his service and his death in Italy - added 12-08-2015
Sgt Sidney E Dinner - discharge documents - added 11-14-2014
Roster of Officers & Enlisted Men Receiving Honors, Awards & Decorations since activation of the regiment. This roster was updated on 2-12-05 & contains a complete list from 1942-1945. I also plan on adding a column to this document in the near future with type of battle casualty incurred (MIA, KIA, WIA, etc.) where appropriate. Note: The list may contain errors or inadvertent omissions, whether by the Army Corps of Engineers or myself during compilation. If you spot an error, please contact me.
Roster 1st Battalion - Company A
Rosters provided by Charles Bryant
A Brief History of the 540th Combat Engineers
540th Maps from the ETO - (special thanks for Charles Bryant for supplying these)
540th Engineer Combat Reg - by me - as published in WWII Magazine - added 07-25-06
World War II Amphibious Landings - 540th Engineer Combat Regiment - Army Engineer Magazine - Nov/Dec 2006
Overseas Bivouac Areas of Co D, 540th Engineers (later redesignated Co A, 2833rd) - as supplied by Bill Vander Wall - added 05-16-07
The following was provided by Tommy Duke, grandson of 1st Sgt Grady Duke, 540th Combat Engineer - added 12-19-2013
Mine training document awarded to Grady Duke
Sightseeing document - Paris, France
Citation for Award of the Soldier's Medal to Grady Duke
The following document was provided to me by Rick Lynch, grandson of Col Hugh M. Connors, USA (Ret), 540th Combat Engineer:
540th History and Officer Awards - added 07-27-08
36th's Fort Bragg Newsletter - September 20, 1942 - mentions 540th!
Post War History - 1945-1989 - added 09-02-08
Sailing Passenger List - added 11-14-09
America to Germany - location list - added 11-14-09
The following documents were provided to me by Bill Herron, 540th Combat Engineer and historian - added 02-09-11
Preface written by Bill and added to the book 'Overseas with the 540th Engineers' - not part of the original publication
Letter from John M Payne - Naval 1st Beach Bn to Mark Carpenter - Sept 1986 - (I do not have pages he referred to in document)
Letters addressed to the 540th regarding their reunion held in 2000
The following is from Karen Culler, daughter of Paul McGee
Letter from Karen - 03-09-11
Signed dollar bill belonging to Paul McGee - added 03-09-11
The following documents were provided by Richard Nuccio-Merlis, nephew of Charles J Nuccio

In order to aid me in writing a comprehensive history of the 540th, I have come up with a set of questions for the men who served with that unit. If you are a member of the 540th or a family member, please download a copy of the questions and fill in a much as you can. Then mail the answers back to me. My address can be found on the Contact Page. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
My Interview Questions for the 540th Combat Engineers