Hi there? I have been MIA for a long time. Lots of changes have happened since !y last visit: had a couple of back surgeries,finally got on Social Security Disability (first visit to their doctor I had a walker, a wound vac and an IV in my arm and was declared work ready...) Been keeping busy. Glad to be back.
From a friend. Please let us know if any activities are being planned.
Hi Marion,
I hope all is well with you. Do you know if there is a 75thanniversary celebration for Operation Dragoon in France this year? I couldn’t find anything about it online. I may be going over there on the 14thof August.
My Grandfather served in A Company of the 283rd and I hope perhaps I can meet some other families of these vets so that we can keep their memories alive ... as well as their accomplishments under the worst of conditions.