researching family soldiers WWII

Jack Chinnici State:Pennsylvania

Private First Class, U.S Army

38th engineer General Service Regiment

Died:31-july 1944



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Thanks for posting all the info and especially the photos. It still breaks my heart when I see these young men and know that each lost his life at such a very young age. :(


At least we can honor them by bringing them back to life on the internet. Bless you for your time and efforts. :heartpump:

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

I would like to make you share my happiness . I have just found the family of one other of my soldiers. He called Donald J Mallard he had 21 years old. He was married and had a son. He did not even know that he was a dad. He was killed in a collision with his motorcycle and another vehicle. I put you his picture. I can finally put a face on his name and i know now a little bit more about his short life . I am so proud to honor his memory.





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That is wonderful news. Tres bon! But so very sad that he never even found out that he was a dad. Doesn't that break your heart? :heartpump:

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Yes Marion,That broke my heart :heartpump: I even cried .




Wow vero that's great you know I'm making inquiries for my friend Tom from NH and it's realy hard to find anything after so a long time.

My name is veronique , i live in France , i am a member of the

association of the memory flowers, i adopted 10 graves of american soldiers

I have a question Vero what is this association we don't have such an asso here in Lux well as far as I know tell me more about would you.


Martin ;)


For my soldier Donald J Mallard . This happiness it's due to one marvellous person whose name is Jim he lives in Seattle. He helped me, he looked on the phone book list the name " Mallard" living in Salem. It took him 5 calls to find Donald's family . I don't know how to thank Jim for what he did for me. I would never forget it. :heartpump:



For to answer your question ,


The Objectives of the Association of the flower memory.


This association is created to perpetuate the memory of the soldiers, sailors and airmen buried in the American Cemeteries of Colleville-sur-Mer and Saint James in Normandy ( France ), by placing flowers on their tombs.


Preamble :


Peace is precious and it has a price, it is an effort, always it is of blood, and too often its price is paid by men's lives.

The peace we know in Normandy and France was paid for by the sacrifice of the young lives of Allied soldiers.


In the American Cemetery in Colleville-sur-Mer there are 10,944 brave Americans remembered; in the American Cemetery in Saint James the markers of 4,908 Americans remind us of the supreme sacrifice paid for France's liberation from the yoke of the Nazis.

Today we know the liberty and happiness of freedom. We can never forget those that are buried in our country. Two generations have passed that to do not know the horrors of war.


Objective :


Nothing is truly won, it is imperative that we do not hide the past to preserve the future. Therefore in a gesture of respect, of remembrance and of friendship, the families and members of the association "Les Fleurs de la Mémoire" commit in writing : to lay a bouquet of flowers on the grave of a soldier, one time per year, if possible on the American Memorial Day, to remember the sacrifices of these brave men.


The grave that the family will put the flower upon will be the grave of a soldier that fought in the region. The grave will be determined by the association, the association will inform the family of the grave by giving it a card to that effect.


The family that takes responsability for placing flowers on the grave will pass this responsability on to its children to ensure the perpetuation of the obligation. In the case that it is impossible to place a bouquet of flowers on the tomb annually, please inform the association and if possible find another family to take the family's responsability.




Vero :wub:

I repaired the link above. If anyone experienced a problem, please try the link once again. ;)
Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

I would like to make you share my happiness . I have just found the family of two other of my soldiers. He called Alonzo JR and Charles Mobley . Alonzo He was married and had a son Dennis Sr is 62. They each player a musical instrument. Alonzo ( nick name Lefty) played the base fiddle. Ralph (Charles) played the guitar. They were in a band. They loved music and church.


Ralph was in love with a French girl and planned to marry her. He was a handsome man. I can finally put a face on his name and i know now a little bit more about them short life . I am so proud to honor them memory.










Alonzo Jr and Charles Mobley




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That is fantastic Veronique. All your hard work and determination finally paid off. I am happy for you. Isn't it wonderful to put names and faces together?


Cela est Veronique fantastique. Tous votre travail assidu et votre détermination ont remboursé finalement. Je suis heureux pour vous. Ce n'est pas merveilleux de mettre des noms et des visages ensemble ?

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

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