Battle and Campaign Links
- updated Feb 2018
North Africa
First Fire of Operation Torch - mentions the 540th Engineers
Operation Torch Sub-Task Force Goalpost - mentions the 540th
Operation Torch: Allied Invasion of North Africa
Operation Torch: Sub-Task Force Goalpost Capture Port Lyautey

Sicily 1943
Second Beach Battalion in Sicily, Salerno
Invasion of Sicily - Military History Online
Operation Husky - Order of Battle
Husky Operations Plan - Sicily
- archived documents
Operation Joss - Licata, Sicily - Combat Studies Institute

Anzio Assault - John Keegan
Gotica Toscana
Battle for Monte Cassino
Anzio - After the Battle - 1989
- Many thanks to Dave Wagner - 39th Combat Eng
Battle Analysis on the Rapido River Crossing
Anzio 1944 - Army Military History
Naples/Foggia - 1943-1944 - The US Army Campaigns of WWII
The Italian Campaign of World War 2
Anzio Landing
The Breakthrough - Anzio - mentions 540th and 36th
Anzio Beachhead
Rome-Arno 1944
Salerno to Florence - 5th Army Anti-Aircraft
Allied Agony at Anzio
Anzio - A Surgeon's View
Operation Shingle - CSI Battlebook
- downloads a pdf file
Allied Landings in Italy
Battle of Monte Cassino

The Big Picture - Command Decision - The Invasion of Southern France - video
Invasion of Southern France - Report of the Naval Commander - Western Task Force
Invasion at Drammont -
Southern France Campaign - 36th Division
Southern France - US Army Campaigns of WWII
Operation Dragoon - First Airborne Task Force
France & the Low Countries
The Hidden Ally - Arthur L. Funk
Operation Dragoon - Combat Studies Institute

Central Europe/Rhineland/Germany - (Battle of
Bulge links below)
Operation Northwind
The Rhine River Crossings - mentions the 540th Combat Engineers
Ardennes/Alsace - The US Army Campaigns of WWII
The Rhineland
Central Europe
Huertgen Forest,
1944: The Worst Place of Any

General Related Links
WWII Campaign History
A Brief History
of the US Army WWII
Second World War History - Detailed Timeline
CBI Order of Battle
World War II in the Pacific
Paul Reed's Battlefields of WW2
Battle of the Bulge - Ardennes/Alsace Offensive Links
The Ardennes: Battle of the Bulge - by Hugh M Cole
Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge
VBOB Certificate Form -
Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge
World War II Federation - Battle of the Bulge
The Ardennes - Battle of the Bulge
Battle of the Bulge Memories - We do not forget

Britain at War - Experience
The Battle of Britain

Market Garden Links
Remember September 44 - Operation Market Garden
Operation Market Garden

Normandy D-Day Links
Theirs is the Glory - Stories & poems commemorating the 60th D-Day Anniversary
Back to Normandy
D-Day Normandy and Beyond...
D-Day - Etat des lieux
D-Day - 1944/2004 - a
travel through historical places
American D-Day
60th Anniversary D-Day
- in French
Untold Stories of D-Day - National Geographic
ARS Website
Omaha Beach
WW2 D-Day

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