And...don't forget to check out our Engineer Photo Gallery for a complete look!

R Priest - 1277th Engineer - added 09-24-2018
William B Moore - 38th Engineer
J Steinke - 160th Engineer - many thanks to his son Doug
208th Engineer Archived Journal
- thanks to Floyd Mock, member of this unit
Joseph Anthony Calabrese - 294th Engineer - added 04-29-2016
Wesley Ross - 146th Engineer Combat Battalion - added 06-13-2014
Russell Caulkins Italian Diary - 316th Engineer - added 05-14-14
Johnny Thompson - 341st General Service Regiment - updated 11-20-14
Frank Timmer - 631st Engineer Light Equipment Co - added 01-16-14
Curtiss H. Harlander -344th General Service Regiment - added 10-24-12
Donnell G Gale - 171st Engineer Combat Battalion - added 03-27-12
George V Jackson Jr. - 326th Engineer - video interview conducted by Pat Freeman - added 05-24-11
Excerpt from "Reflections of a WWII GI" - by C William Taylor
- He belonged to the 287th Combat Engineer Battalion. I wanted to share his
story from the Battle of the Bulge. This is one of many instances where
engineers were used as infantry. Updated 05-26-17
Memories of Tim Nelson - A story regarding his father's service with the 19th Combat Engineers Regt - Tim, thanks for your permission to share the story on our site. July '04
Milt O'Barr - 85th Engineer - August '04
Mel O'Barr - 85th Engineer - August '04
Sam B Hopkins - 85th Engineer - August '04
William (Bill) Gentry - 85th Engineer - August '04
Lee McCloud - 310th Combat Engineer - August '04
Richard Fietz Jr - 370th Combat Engineer - updated 05-14-14
Chuck Hurlbut - 299th Combat Engineer
- August '04
Gene Fiducia - 631st Engineer - Light Equipment Company - updated 03-17-10
Lawrence T Page - 148th Combat Engineer - updated 07-22-2015
Rudy Arruda - 295th Combat Engineer - updated 01-14-09
Harold R Whiting - 157th Combat Engineer - updated 04-03-10
Brian Guy - 246th Field Co, Royal Engineer, 8th Brigade, 3rd Inf Div
- updated 07-30-2019
Bill Douglass Sr - 1301st Engineer, 3rd Army - updated 03-11-14
Red Ran the River - A combat engineer's story crossing the Rhine - added 03-06-05
Ernest Napier - 49th Combat Engineer - updated 01-05-10
Robert Hoedel - 359th Engineer - updated 05-02-05
Joseph Elias - 1301st Engineer, 3rd Army - updated 11-15-07
Charles A Wilber - 326th Airborne Engineer Bn, 101st Airborne Div - updated 10-30-06
Steve Paulson (Pawlikowski) - 1301st Engineer, 3rd Army - added 04-15-05
Benjamin C Volga - 160th Combat Engineer - updated 06-24-05
Vincent Leckey - 43rd Combat Engineer - updated 12-15-06
Lester Cohen- 148th Combat Engineer - updated 06-17-2012
George Chandler - 341st Engineer General Service Regiment - updated 12-2-2014
Armonde Casagrande - 343rd Engineer General Service Regiment
- updated 01-30-2017
Arthur William Jasper "Bill on the Hill" - 312th Engineer -87th Inf Div - added 02-11-09
Nicholas Joseph Mastrangelo - 344th Engineer General Service Regiment - added 07-21-09
Ernest Wayne Warner - 19th Combat Engineer Reg - link to his biography - added 11-27-09
Experiences of a Young Seabee in WWII - MO3 Robert Ramsey, Yuma, AZ - added 02-10-10