Received a letter a while back from Lester after he read about another member of the 148th featured here on my site, Lawrence T Page. He said that the "memories" of Lawrence Page, was a pretty accurate history as far as he could recall. He didn't remember Page, due to the fact that he was with one of the line companies. He stated that the accuracy of the events was probably due to accessing the "morning reports" from H&S Company.
He thanked me for this site and sent me some photos and a partial roster to share with all of you.
June 17, 2012 - With condolences to the family of Les. When I hadn't heard from him for a while, I began to fear the worst. I received this letter this morning. Farewell dear friend...
Dear Marion:
My father had quite a bit of correspondence with you in 2005 regarding his Army unit and the building of the Remagen bridge. I wanted to let you know that he died in October 2011. He was 93 and had lived a full life, but we all miss him very much.
I have attached the text of his obituary which appeared in the Raleigh News & Observer. I hope you are well. My father appreciated so much the work you did to memorialize the work they did in WWII.
Barbara C. Freedman

The 148th Engineers Medics

Hi Marion:
My youngest daughter, Janet had a copy of part of the roster of the 148th, the page with my name on it. I think there were 4 or 5 pages, but they were in the papers that I mentioned I lost in one of moves in the past 2 years. If I ever hear from the guy in Washington PA, I'll update you.
Regards Lester

A Class 70 bridge

Stavelot, Belgium
The Hodges Bridge

Weser River, Germany 1945
