When I saw an entry in the guestbook from Jerry Elias, I immediately forwarded his email to my friend Bill Douglass, 1301st Engineer. Seems Jerry was looking for info and members of that unit and voila, I was able to put the two of them together. I just love being able to do that.
He has quite a few photos of his father and his engineer friends, along with two documents from General George S Patton Jr. One is a Christmas card to the troops and Patton's prayer during the Battle of the Bulge. I'm delighted to share them with the rest of you.

Letters to Bill and I.
Yes, I did get your response and thank you for it. I apologize for not responding faster. I was trying to get some information before I responded. I found a picture (in poor condition) of "Company 'A' 1301 Engineer Regiment." In this picture, I can clearly see my father. I then found his DD214. This document indicates he was in "CO A 1301st ENGR GS REGT ." I also found a document indicating that he crossed the equator on the SS Sea Quail...My question to you is as follows. Did Company A and all the other companies work together or did they go in separate directions?
Thank you for you time,
Jerry Elias

I believe that I read every word on your web page. After reading Patton's speeches, one has to wonder what would have happened to him if he gave them today. I have contacted Bill and I thank you for passing me on to him. I have forwarded my correspondence with Bill to you.
Thank you again.

I wish I could give you more information on dad. He rarely talked about the war. I can tell you that he was born in Chicago on March 16, 1917. He grew up living at 2516 S. St. Louis, Chicago. He graduated from Farragut High School on June 17, 1936. ( I didn't know that till I looked it up. I own a 1936 Chevy) According to His DD214 he received 3 overseas service bars, European African Middle Eastern theater ribbons with 4 bronze battle stars. Asiatic Pacific theater ribbon, Philippine liberation ribbon, Good Conduct medal and WW2 victory ribbon. The DD214 also indicates that he was in the following battles and campaigns; Northern France, Ardennes, Rhineland and Central Europe. The only thing I remember my father telling me was that he built and wrecked bridges and that he was in a unit or group that they called "Patton's Pets". Dad passed away on June 15, 1971.
Joseph's Photos
In Michigan

This photo was thought to be in his mother's possession while her husband was overseas. The poem and photo were enclosed inside a frame. How touching!


Joe on horse

Joe's Documents
Honorable Discharge - What every soldier dreamed of...

Hi Marion,
I just found a bunch of pictures that my dad ( Joseph Elias ) had. This appears to be some sort of official picture. I am planning to send you the originals. After you scan what you want, I would like them back. Attached is what I would consider a PRIZE. Feel free to use the picture as you want.
Jerry Elias
The bridge is mentioned in this article.
Thanks again for the Joseph Elias link that you made.
