I was contacted by the grandson of Ernest Napier, Bill Carr. Bill like so many of us is conducting research into a loved one's WWII history. He has come upon many revealing photographs and has also contacted NARA and requested all nine unit folders on the 49th Combat Engineers. He is really excited to see what treasures they contain. Sounds like an admirable undertaking.

Thanks Marion! I am sending you the pictures of my grandpa - Ernest Napier along with the obverse side of his Honorable Discharge so others can see his battles and where he was wounded and maybe glean information for their families. I am also including the rough draft of the 49th's order of battle I have.
I have written NARA for his unit's records and have them identified. I hope to order them soon.
I had a tube of the 49th's maps, logo (signed by all the men) etc., but when my grandpa got sick a relative stole them from us. I am personally very saddened because he gave those to me along with his medals and a French Bayonet. Things like this happen some times in life and I am praying for the person who has them that they will return them. I also have other mementos he gave my grandmother during the war.
Anyway, thanks very much for offering to post the pictures, what I know about them are in the filenames.
Bill Carr

Rough draft on 49th's Order of Battle


Good afternoon Marion,
I found some more photos and a WWII Victory graphic I scanned in from my grandmothers
keepsakes. I also included the French bayonet grandpa gave me (that is a 24" ruler), a keepsake sweetheart pin no seems to no what it is (crossed rifles), I found a picture of UTAH beach on the web some time ago and I have included it also. I also included grandpas picture later on in life and one of him and my grandmother when the were young...
Hi Marion,
Here is another document from the Military History center...
Utah Beach to Cherbourg

The following is a very detailed history, which was compiled by Bill Carr. He spent "mega" hours on this document, which was presented to me as an Excel spreadsheet. I'm including both two formats for your viewing pleasure. Thanks Bill. This is really something!
Marion's note - 11-19-09
Bill has asked me to temporarily remove these links, because submitted files contained errant data and mispellings, which he would like to correct. We will provide these files again in the near future. Thank you for your patience.

VII Corps D-Day Operations - 6th June, 1944
Invasion and Operations - June 6th through 12th, 1944 - (look for Utah Beach)
Utah Beach - 8th Infantry Landing
Army Assault Forces - Normandy - June 6-7, 1944

Hi Marion, here is the finished book I worked on for months. It is a military history about my grandfather's WWII combat engineer unit from D-Day to the end of the war. It has a lot of pictures, maps and is full of detail information. Can you please paste a link on the web site for me and/or in the forum? If you decide to order it, let me know what you think. It is my first book - maybe my last. Thanks,