Received a phone call from Johnny a few months ago, and could tell that he had an infectious enthusiasm for life, right off the bat. After we chatted for a while, I also discovered (much to my delight), that he drove for Nascar from 1947 to 1958. Ah, we definitely had a lot in common, for Lee and I are avid race car fans. Ah, we were off to a good start...

March 2014
I would like to share a section of Johnny's book, depicting his WWII history with the 341st Engineer Combat Regiment. My goal is to make the entire book "From Cotton Patch to the Race Track", available to you, our dedicated readers, in the not so distant future.
On My Own
In addition to his memoirs, Johnny included a few newspaper articles and items of interest, which I am happy to share.
Legend Began With a Bluff - as printed in the Times-Union (Jacksonville, FL) May 8, 2016
Legends of Nascar
To Normandy and Back Again, WWII Veteran Recounts Missions - as printed in the Suwannee Democrat - Nov 8, 2013
WWII vet angry over closed memorial - as printed in the Suwannee Democrat - Oct 18, 2013
Image from Nascar - Jacksonville, FL 1950
Image from Daytona Beach - North turn - 1954
A beautiful homefront WWII poster he shared with me
Nascar Legend Calls Suwannee Home - as printed in the Suwannee Democrat - Jan 29, 2014
Living Legend Raced with the Best - as printed in the Suwannee Democrat - Feb 5, 2014
Check out a couple of his photos on our Engineer Photo Gallery